Chapter Eighteen

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It started as a spark.

A spark that grew, burning brighter and brighter, until it was a wildfire, devouring everything in its path. All feeling seeped away from my body. There was only the heat; the heat on my lips, the heat on my skin, the heat spreading through my limbs.

The kiss annihilated me.

I burned to the ground, then rose back up from the ashes, then burned down again. There was no explaining what was happening. I would never be able to put this in words.

I was lost.

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How long we stood there, I didn't know.

But when Newt finally pulled away from me, all I knew was that I needed more.

My lungs were screaming for air, and I gulped it down, gasping. Shuck. Holy shuck. Hell, we were both inexperienced. Like it mattered.

Our eyes met, and suddenly we were both smiling, then laughing. It was as if we were two sane people again, two people who hadn't just done something we shouldn't have.

It didn't last long.

His mouth caught mine again, and a white-hot bolt of electricity shot through me. I wondered if he felt as drunk, as unconscious, as I did. A soft moan escaped my lips; a sound I never would have let out of me if I'd had the tiniest bit of control over my body. But I didn't.

I was glad for it.

Right now, I didn't give a shuck about anything.

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I lay on the bed, watching Newt sleep beside me.

After hours of kissing and mindless talking, then more kissing on the bed, he'd finally gone to sleep. I would have, too, if I could. But I'd never felt more awake in my life. It was a good thing all our clothes had stayed on--as they would for as long as I could help it--because if they hadn't, I was pretty sure I would have lost it completely.

I propped myself up on an elbow and looked down at his illuminated face. The moon dyed the tips of his eyelashes silver. I'm so sorry, I thought. He deserved better than me, a stubborn, hard-headed, disobedient girl who always seemed to try her hardest to get herself killed. And selfish, too. The more I dwelled on it, the less... proper this felt. Shuck, he was the leader. If anyone found out... If Chuck or Thomas or Minho found out... If Gally found out... I'd just landed myself in deep trouble, hadn't I? Stories of this klunk happening to a pair of seventeen-year-olds never ended well. What had I gotten myself into?

Tomorrow morning, I'd apologize. I'd apologize for being such a bloody idiot, for letting my feelings get the best of me. There was no use in starting something that would have to end in nothing.

For now, though...

I rested my head on Newt's chest. For now, damn the consequences.

A/N: I have no experience whatsoever with romance or kissing! I just used what I could from books I've read and tried to work with it! XD

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