Chapter Eleven

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After the day in the Slammer, I was in no hurry to break any more rules.

I obeyed every order, worked my hardest in the field. Alby still hadn't recovered, but the Med-jacks had given him the Grief serum, so he was going through the Changing. His screams were painful to listen to.

With the absence of the leader, Newt was busier than ever. Which meant he had less time to devote to listening to my rants. In addition to that, Chuck had the task of keeping Thomas company. So there were annoying periods of the day when I had no one to talk to. As the week progressed, my mood grew more and more sour, until I was surlier than I'd been in the Slammer. And that was really saying something.

One day, during lunch, I decided I was bored. I sat against a tree, the slight breeze blowing into my face. Beside me, Chuck chomped noisily on his food, all the while talking to Thomas about how much he wanted to see a Griever.

"I heard they're scary," he said. "But I bet I could take one anytime..." He prattled on and on as usual.

"You don't want to meet one," Thomas said quietly. "I had to run from them when I was stuck in the Maze, remember?"

"Oh." Chuck's face fell. "You're right. Maybe..."

Their voices faded into background noise. I scrutinized Thomas's face, trying to remember where I'd seen him before. He looked so familiar, yet I couldn't place him. It was annoying the crap out of me. It was like a dream; there were only fragments that I had to piece together. The problem was I couldn't piece them together.

"Hey, Chuck," Thomas said suddenly. "What do I look like?"

Chuck looked confused for a second, then squinted at him. "Let's see. Brown hair, brown eyes, about five-foot-nine. About sixteen years old. Oh, yeah, and uglier than liver on a stick."

I gave up on my thoughts and chimed in. "Not as ugly as Gally is annoying."

Both Chuck and Thomas laughed.

Then Chuck jumped up. "Let's go annoy people. I'm bored."

That was music to my ears. "How about we scare Gally while he's taking a klunk again?" I suggested.

Chuck nodded eagerly. But Thomas said, "What about Alby?"

My excitement fell. "Alby? I thought he was still recovering."

Something seemed to be bothering him. "He is. But... Yesterday, he asked to see me. He said... during the Changing, that he saw me in his memories. And you."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

"I don't know."

Of course.

Despite Thomas's protests, Chuck skipped to the Homestead, me following in his tracks.

"Chuck, don't do it," Thomas hissed, jogging to catch up to him. "What if Gally's in there again?"

"That's the whole point," the boy replied. Chuck had told me about the time he'd dragged Thomas to scare whoever was on the toilet, and it had turned out to be Gally again. For a moment, I actually felt sorry for the guy. He had to be the unlucky victim of Chuck's mischief all the time, didn't he? But he deserved it.

Thomas groaned and fell behind, obviously not wanting any more trouble with Gally. But Chuck and I ran on. I'd been good for too long. I felt the need to do something besides digging up dirt and being obedient. Although maybe this wasn't a good idea. I didn't particularly want to be pushed over by Gally again. Nor did I want to be forced to go to the Med-jacks again. The closer we got to the Homestead, the more I thought it was a bad idea.

"Chuck," I said. "What if it's not Gally? Maybe Thomas is right."

Chuck just scoffed. "So what? I don't care who it is, as long as their reaction is funny."

He ran on, and I had no choice but to follow in case he did something really bad. Like actually going into the bathroom while Gally was crapping.

"You do it this time," Chuck whispered to me as we slowed to a stop, smiling evilly.

"No!" I protested.

But he shoved me towards the window in the bathroom, surprisingly strong for a young boy. I stumbled forward. I could see the outline of a boy through the cloudy window, standing by the pee pot, and I dove sideways just before I crashed into it. Before Gally could see me. "Chuck, what was that for?"

But Chuck had a look of horror upon his face. "Run," he whispered.

He shot away.

What the--

I whipped around just as the bathroom door opened. And suddenly, I understood Chuck's terror.

It wasn't Gally.

I turned and stumbled after Chuck.

Boy, was I in trouble.

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