Chapter Eight

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I sat there surrounded by the other Gladers, rain dripping down my back, its icy tendrils covering my bones with frost.


At first, what had happened didn't register in my mind.

Then it all rushed into my head like a dam had broken.

Minho and Alby hadn't made it back into the Glade before the Doors had closed. And Thomas, the newbie, the Greenbean, had gone after them. He'd shucking gone into the Maze. He'd broken a rule.

Yet, that had been my idea, hadn't it?


I jumped to my feet, my arse still burning with pain. I had been about to run into the Maze to save Minho and Alby like the superhero I was. Then he'd grabbed me and shoved me down onto my butt before I could perform the mighty deed. Or, if I were to be honest, run in there and killed myself.


He'd saved my sorry ass.

But maybe I didn't want saving.

"What the shuck was that for?" I snarled, my voice shaking. Everyone's heads turned to face me, looking shocked that such a nasty sound could leave my throat.

But Newt didn't flinch. Didn't look guilty, or even sorry. His arms were crossed over his chest, and the look on his face could have frozen water. "You were a bloody idiot to even have thought about going in there."

"Minho and Alby were in there," I said, breathing hard. "And now... Oh, shuck, now the Greenie is in there too. There gonna die. They're gonna die." Because of you! I wanted to say. It wasn't true. But I was angry, and I needed to scream. "THEY'RE GOING TO SHUCKING DIE!" Yes, I'd wanted to yell at Gally, but now, he just stood quietly, not giving me a reason to.

"If you'd gone in there, you would die too!" Newt yelled. "You'd be shucking dead already!"

I strode up to him until my face was barely five inches from his. Shuck, I hated being shorter than him. He towered above me by at least half a foot. I wanted to be able to look down on him, to make him feel like a cowering child in my furious presence.

If only.

"I don't need to be protected by you shanks," I hissed. "Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm some weakling ninny!"

He looked as if he were about to spit something nasty in my face, but glanced around at the watching Gladers. A few quickly walked away, looking guilty. But most of them stayed, curiosity plastered on their faces. Newt glared at them, lips pursed. When they didn't budge, he turned his gaze back to me. "See you in my room."

I couldn't help feeling like a child about to be scolded by his mother.

He turned and walked away, setting off at a brisk pace toward the Homestead. I watched for a while, remembering the first time I'd seen him walking away from me. Neither of us had been angry then. And Alby had been with him...

The other boys looked at each other. They looked scared. Confused. I didn't know what to do, so although I was in no position to tell them what to do, I just said, "Sit out here until morning. Then see if they come back."

We all knew they weren't coming back.

But it was better than going to sleep, knowing they were dead because of me.

As much as I hated to, I followed Newt to the Homestead, knowing I was probably going to get a spanking on the butt and a long, long lecture about breaking the most important rule. I walked slowly, not really caring for one. I was still mad at him for playing my knight in shining armor. Deep down, I knew it was right, but I was too pissed to be reasonable at the moment. That was why I was in trouble.

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