Chapter Six

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Blaine Sahyounie's POV

"Where are you going?" Beau asked, as i turned to go the other direction to where Skip, Beau, Luke, Jai and James where walking. 

"Skip's house is that way" Jai said, pointing left. Oh, little miscriants. 

"Which is exactly why im going right. I have my own house you know." I laughed continuing walking to my apartment. My apartment is pretty amazing. In the living room, one whole wall is glass. It has three bedrooms too.

"WAIT! Blaine, cant you come to my apartment for once?" Skip pleaded. How about no, big brother. 

"I've got an idea, play along with it, please" Luke whispered in my ear. I dread to think what his idea is going to be. 

"I don't think Blaine wants to go to yours because i think we both need some privacy." Luke smirked. Okay, i think Luke's idea is to pretend we're going to have sex in my apartment. GOOD ONE! Skip is gonna get freaking HULK ANGRY! 

"Why do you need privac- oh. NO WAY!" Skip shouted, lunging for Luke. Unfortunately, Skip was too late because Luke had already shouted "YES WAY, SKIPPERS!" grabbed my hand and was running away to what he presumed was my apartment building. And it was. 

"Im gonna put my hand over your mouth and pretend to kiss you, okay?" Luke whispered. Coming to a stop in front of my building. 

"No problem" I said, knowing Skip would catch us. He's still chasing us. And we were running for two minutes. 

Luke carefully placed his hand over my mouth and began to make out with his own hand. I feel so strange. 

"STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!" Skip screamed, ripping Luke off my body, which may i add was pressed up against the wall of the building, and sandwiched between his own body. 

"We weren't actually kissing, Skip." Luke giggled. I pried his hand off my mouth and said,

"you actually thought i'd kiss him, and i've known him for... not five hours?" Im surprised. 

"JAI. PRETTY LITTLE ASS, HERE NOW!" Skip roared. Maaaan! That boy has a loud voice. Skip, we dont need the whole of Melbourne knowing you want Jai. 

"WHAT?" Jai hollered, skidding to a stop in front of Skip. 

"I want you to go to Blaine's apartment with them, i dont trust them." Skip growled. Like a dog. But dogs are cute. And Skip is not. SHUT THE HELL UP, ME! 

"Whatever." Jai frowned. 

"SO YOU'RE NOT HAPPY TO BE IN THIS PRESENCE?" I hollered. Im not offended. Not at all. Nope! 

"Well, i am. But.. Im confused." Jai groaned. 

"I OUTSMART EVERYYYOONEE!" I said, fist bumping the air. Im just that awesome. I fist bump. WITH AIR. Awesome wishes it was my level of AWESOME. 

"Yeah, Yeah whatever. Do you have an xbox?" Luke asked. Oh Luke. Of course i do.. I would'nt be Skip's sister if i didnt. 

"Of COURSE! And if you like FIFA, I'll beat your ASSES!" I exclaimed. I grew up with Daniel Sahyounie. Im obviously going to be competitive. 

"Not happening" Jai and Luke said in sync. Freaky. 

"So delusional" i whispered, giggling like a school girl. Which I am.. OH SHUT UP. I confused myself. And heres me, thinking it was impossible to confuse yourself.

 "MAKE YOURSELVES AT HOM BOYS!" I shouted, unlocking the door and pushing it open. TIME TO WATCH THE NEWSSS! I always watch it to check the weather for the next day.... dont judge me. 

"Okay" Luke replied, kicking his shoes off and placing them next to mine and Jai's that were by the door. 

"I hope you dont mind, but i need to watch the news to check the weather." I said, looking out of the glass wall in the livingroom. The sky doesnt look too good... 

"Nah, its fine." Jai said. I grabbed my remote and flicked it to ABC News. 

(A/N: These Italics are what the News Anchor is saying) 

"I suggest you dont leave the house today, Caroll. Very very bad rain is to start later today so if you dont want to get caught up in it, Don't leave the house your in!" 

"Oh jesus christ." I said, face palming.  

"Looks like theres gonna be A BROOKS BROTHA SLEEP OVERRR!" Jai and Luke said, fist bumping and dancing around my livingroom. On full view to the last stragglers outside of the building. Hell no.. AINT NOBODY GONNA FIST BUMP WITHOUT ME! 

"So, Blaine. Whats your twitter username?" Luke asked, vaulting over the back of my couch. My beloved couch...

"I eh... dont have one." I murmured. I feel ashamed.. I just dont want people to know Daniel has a sister.. (if you don't know its me, your obviously new here.) Until im ready. 

"BACK THE FU*K UP. YOU DONT HAVE A TWITTER?" Jai shouted. Yes Jai! Well done! Give yourself a pat on the back! 

"Nope" I replied. 

"Get your laptop." Luke said, pulling me off my couch at a surprizingly fast speed. 

"Fine." I said, grabbing my Acer Laptop off my kitchen table and shoving it onto Luke's lap. ON PURPOSE. 

My laptop quickly booted up and he came to the twitter start page and began firing questions at me. 

"What do you want your username to be?" 

"Erm... Blaine Sahyounie, no capitals no spaces." 

"Whats your birthday?" 

"May the second nineteen ninety five." Im a day older than Luke and Jai Brooks, be jealous. 

"TIME FOR THE PROFILE PICTURE!" Luke exclaimed, setting my laptop's camera up and pulling m and Jai by the collars into the view of the camera. I take it we're all going to be in it then.. 

"What face do you wanna do?" Jai asked. I KNOW. Lets do a pig face. You know, the one where you pull your nose up to look like a pig. 

"THE PIG FACE!" I shouted.

"Okay" Luke said. We all posed for the camera and luke quickly took the picture. 

"I like that one" Jai said, pointing to the selection of photos we had. 

"So do i, use that one." I replied. 


"YAAY!" i shouted.

"I'll follow you when we go home tomorrow." Jai said. 



I managed to update before my cousins come. 

And 387 READS? WHAT. 

I thought when i began writing this i'd get around 30 reads.

But instead i got 387. I love you guys so much, words can even descirbe it! 

So i've decided to start up something new. 

The person who comments the best comment will get a dedication on the next chapter



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