Chapter Eight

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Blaine Sahyounie's POV (STILL, MUAHAHAHAHAHA.)

"Penola? But.... how? Me James and Jai go there, and we've never seen you..." Luke exclaimed. Oh Luke... Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke. 

"Maybe because I have my hair like this and wear.. these." I said, shoving my hideous reading glasses onto my face. Well... they aren't hideous, but they're fairly bad looking. 

"Oh. Thats maybe why. Who do you hang around with?" Jai questioned me. This question was bound to come up, merp. 

"No-one, Every kind of steers away from me because of my glasses..." I stated. Nobody yet knew that I was Daniel's sister, because according to the school my surname was Milton. Eugh. What a posh second name.

"Well! Maybe, you could come and hang around with us. THE COOL KIDZ." Luke and Jai said, corssing their arms and doing 'peace' signs with their hands. Oh wow, laaaa- Its not lame, if I did it once too... DONT JUDGE ME. 

"Errh... Okay?" I said wandering off to my kitchen to grab a packet of skittles, only to find there were none left. HELL. FREAKING. NO. 

"WHO ATE MY LAST PACKET OF SKITTLES?" I stormed, stomping back into the livingroom. 

"It may or may not have been me when I was in the kitchen talking to mom..." Jai said, whistling suspiciously. Calm Blaine. Calm. Good thing it isn't raining right now.. Im going to get more skittles. I can't live without my skittles! I really, really can't. 

"Good thing its stopped raining." I sneered, running to my bedroom and shoving my leather disco pants and black leather jacket with red sleeves on. I grabbed my spare helmet and said, "Any of you want to come to the store with me?" waving the spare helmet in the air.

"So, you're now JUST telling us you drive a motorbike?" Jai exclaimed. Well, No shizzle sherlock. 

"Yes?" I smirked. 

"I'll go with you." Luke said. 

"Jai, you can use my laptop if you want. The password is skittles." I laughed, handing luke the helmet and grabbing my own off the side table. 

As soon as we got to my little lockup typed thing Luke said, "Whats it look like?" 

"You're gonna see right about... now." I said flinging the door open. 

"THAT IS THE BEST MOTORBIKE I'VE SEEN EVER." Luke said, walking around my midnight purple motorbike. (A/N: Picture on side ;) 

"Why, Thank you." I smirked, "Now, we need to go before it starts pi*sing it down again." 

"Good point." Luke said, shoving his helmet on his head. I climbed on my bike and waited for Luke to get on at the back of me. 


"But.. But-" Luke began. 

"Butts are for sitting, now sit your on the freaking motorbike seat!" I groaned. If you can't survive a night without your iDevices and shiznickle, I can't survive a night without skittles, I REST. MY CASE .

"What do I hold onto?" Luke said, swinging his leg over one side of the bike. 

"Where do you think?" I replied, kicking the engine into life and speeding off. I looked up into my glass wall and seen Jai looking down on us like a hawk. I revved the engine up an waved at him. Just to scare Luke I sped up. We were passing Skips flat, so I decided I was  to stop in there on the way back. I parked quickly and ran into the store. "Hey Steve!" I said, running in and grabbing the nearest box of skittles. Pretty mainstream name, Steve.. isn't it? 

"Hey Blaine, thats um.... thirty dollars and fifteen cents" Steve said. I handed him the thirty dollars and fifteen cents I owed him, grabbed Luke's hand and ran back out ot my bike, lifitng the seat up and shoving the box of skittles in it. 

I climbed back on my bike, with Luke right behind me and sped off past my apartment building and towards Daniel's. 


Im so sorry. Its pretty crap, if im gonna say so myself. 

You guys can be the judge of that. Anyway, ain't no more llama callin'

TIS' NOW. GIRAFFAMAS. Which is a mix between Giraffe and Llama... so im still techincally calling you Llama's... 



PS. Hey you guys (SLOTH QUOTE RIGHT DERE.) Would you mind reading a book called His Contagious Curiosity by @GoddessGlitter2001 please? Its really good :)x 

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