Chapter Eight

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“Hey, what’s wrong?” Cedric pulled away once he realized there was something wrong with Ariella.

  It was just after dinner, Cedric kept his promise by walking Ariella back to her common room with a few detours along the way. Her arms wrapped around his neck, his hands placed firmly behind her back, holding her close. Ariella stared at him as if she didn’t realize she was out of it but there was something on her mind. Ever since Hermione mentioned Draco breaking up with Ambrosia, it was all too soon she thought; Draco breaking up with Ambrosia after that outburst.

   “Hermione told me that Draco broke up with Ambrosia.” She said looking up at Cedric, his back rested against the cobblestone wall, the secluded hallway lightly dimmed. He took his hands back and ran his fingers through his hair while Ariella’s arms were still wrapped around his neck. It showed that Cedric, like everyone else, was not fond of hearing Draco’s name.

   “Why should that bother you?” He said with his voice slightly annoyed.

   “It’s just weird that as soon as that thing happened, he breaks up with her.”  Ariella shrugged, showing there was probably more to their relationship than Ariella always assumed.

   “What? You think Draco only dated her because of what she knows? Doesn’t serve him right to keep it from you, whether he was protecting you or not, it’s not his job.” Cedric said. Ariella looked down which brought a sour face to his face. He placed his hands on her waist, slowly pulling her towards him until their foreheads touched. “It’s my job.” He tried to cheer her up.

  She let out a laugh and brought her head up and closed the gap in between them, holding him tight, their bodies perfectly completing each other. Ariella pulled away and ran her hands until they found Cedric’s hands. “He’s the only way for me to know the truth.” She looked at him, hoping he’d understand.

   “Then when you decide you’re ready to talk to him, tell me. I don’t want you talking to Draco alone, fair?”

   “Fair.” She agreed.

  Cedric caressed her face and pulled her face to gently press his lips against his, he pulled away as soon as a smile was caught in between their kiss.

   “Good, now let’s bring you back. You’re too much of a distraction.” Cedric took the lead, taking her hand into his. Ariella scoffed. Meeting after dinner and walking back to the common room was all his idea, everything down to the detour.

  At the foot of the Ravenclaw Tower, Cedric kissed Ariella one last time before he said good night and that he loved her. He waited until Ariella was at the top of the tower before he went about his prefect duties. Before Ariella could settle down in bed, she couldn’t get ignore that Ambrosia was sitting in the common room, in front of the fire place, crying her eyes out. Was it possible that she really did care for Draco? Ariella didn’t bother any time with her, seeing Ambrosia now, reminded her of how she felt in Third Year when she took Oliver away from her. Although it was the year that changed her life around, it was a year she wanted to forget.

  Hand in hand, Cedric and Ariella made their way to the far end of Hogsmeade, to meet their friends in an isolated pub, The Hogs Head. Just before everyone departed for Hogsmeade, Hermione suggested not to meet at The Three Broomsticks, on account for it was filled with Hogwarts students and some who were in Professor Umbridge’s favor.

  The Hogs Head was in every way different from The Three Broomsticks, it was dark, abandon with the exception of the sluggish barkeep. The only source of life came from Ariella and her friends as they sat and waited for their Defense against the Dark Arts class to arrive. Cedric was still against the idea of teaching Fifth year students defensive spells, considering he was a part of the Order and the last thing they needed was Harry’s involvement.

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