Chapter Seventeen

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   An immense wave of guilt, anger and fear washed over Ariella’s body as she trotted behind Umbridge — her heart felt heavy with every step she took down the cobblestone corridor. Hogwarts had been stripped bare of any life; the vibrant paintings that would greet students as they passed were torn down, shades of grey illuminated the halls as the color of stone reflected in the dimmed amber light. Even the life was drawn from her face despite every bone and fiber in her body telling her otherwise — lifeless irises embedded in her eyes, the wrinkles from the corners of her lips smoothened with every breath.

    “I can’t wait to see the looks on their pathetic faces!” A cheer of victory sang within the Inquisitorial Squad.

    “And it’s all thanks to their beloved “Princess”.” One of members echoed in response. Ariella felt as if Princess was an insult — it showed in a way, she was immune to whatever punishment lied ahead, not just from Inquisitorial Squad and the she-devil herself but from the people who consider her a friend but she wasn’t. In fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if everyone ended up leaving her — Harry, Hermione, Ron and even Cedric.

   Familiar areas in the Castle pinpointed they grew closer and closer to the Room of Requirements. Umbridge and everyone else already knew where the infamous Dark Arts lessons took place, it was just a matter of time and time was something Ariella hadn’t paid much attention to in the last couple of days. Once they came to the iron doors that separated the willing and the damned, Ariella could only imagine what they were doing inside — the joy, the laughter and determination and with any minute, it was going to disappear.

    “They’re in here, yes?” Umbridge’s question lifted into the air, directed to anyone but only meant for one.

   Ariella couldn’t answer because whether they needed her confirmation or not, everyone knew they were inside. Forcing her to answer added to their satisfaction that victory, after weeks and months of constant humiliation and defeat, was finally theirs. Umbridge peered over her shoulder as the silence grew far longer than she had liked.

   “Well, go on. Answer her.” Pansy stepped through the crowd to meet her. The amusement on her crooked lips tore Ariella apart because she knew she made Pansy happy and that was never what she wanted out of life.

   Not even a word but with a shy turn of her head, Pansy gave the confirmation that Ariella held responsible for. Umbridge cleared her throat with her signature tone that made anyone who had common sense irritated. Ariella couldn’t watch but she was forced to once Pansy clasped her arm against hers, it felt like Christmas for her while it was pure torture for her. The doors gyrated as Umbridge used force to peer through the protective magic the Room of Requirements offered the students with every flick of the wrist. Once the gyrating stops, Ariella could hear murmurs and smell the debris lift into the air, gasps echoed along with the scrambling of footsteps within the halls. Ariella didn’t want to lift her head up to see the eyes of pain staring at her but she had no choice.

   “Well, isn’t this a sight.” Umbridge smiled as Ariella caught her staring at Harry and Harry to Umbridge. Everyone else’s eyes rested with Umbridge as well as the members of the Inquisitorial Squad but once the chaos subsided, they all rested upon Ariella.

   It was painful to watch within a few swift seconds every member of the Inquisitorial Squad forcing her friends out of the room. Protests of anger and pain shot up into the air as some members were brutally and forcefully evicted from the room. Ron and Seamus gave Ariella, being the ones forced out, a scowl while Hermione and Ginny were rather confused yet at the same time sympathetic. Harry and Cedric? They never bothered to look at her once they saw her for the very first time. As soon as Umbridge was certain every member was whisked away, they were rejoined in the Great Hall — all except Ariella who stood outside as her duties were fulfilled, leaving her exempted from the punishment Umbridge had for the others.

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