Chapter Twenty-Three

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In that moment, the world fell silent. No one could believe what they had just heard, but they also couldn’t ignore how they felt — or even Harry. Hermione and Ginny had placed their heads down against Ron and Neville’s shoulder, while Luna stared into the thin air. Ariella found herself trembling, it was as if she found out her mother was dead all over again. Like Harry, the only person in her life that she truly cared was gone. Her immediate family was lost and she was never coming back — her and Sirius. Harry screamed and protested for Professor Lupin to let him go, it was painful for everyone to hear. But at that moment, Ariella wondered how it must have felt for Professor Lupin at the time. Despite the fact that Sirius was Harry’s godfather, he was also Professor Lupin’s long lost friend and now he lost both James and Sirius.

   As Ariella caught sight of Harry running after Bellatrix, Ariella felt the need to run after Harry and make sure he was alright. But the moment she picked herself up to her feet, Cedric pulled her down. She wanted to kick and scream, Sirius was gone and Harry was trapped in a tunnel blinded by his own rage and anger.

   “Let me go, Cedric!” Ariella pushed him away, but Cedric was twice as strong as Ariella and managed to hold her back. “Cedric!”

   Cedric kept his head down throughout Ariella’s entire fit. Hermione and Ron were about to stagger to their feet but they were cut off the minute Tonks stumbled her way towards them. When she did, everyone got to their feet and noticed the remaining Death Eaters who were present where overwhelmed and group in the center of the room with the members of the Order surrounding them.

   “You can come out now. It’s all right.”

   “Harry?” Hermione asked breathlessly as she looked over at Tonks who couldn’t find the means as everyone else to smile. She was about to run with Ariella who finally freed herself from Cedric until Professor Lupin cut their path.

   “Professor, please! You have to let us go and help Harry!” Ariella pleaded.

   Professor Lupin’s face was pale. For a minute, it seemed as if there was no blood circulating through his face. Despite Ariella wanting to run after Harry and ensure that he was alright, she allowed Professor Lupin to take whatever time he could to grieve, even if it tested her patience.

   “Professor…” Hermione dared to call out towards him. He slowly brought up his head and gave them a weak glance.

   “Harry,” He let out a sigh before he walked over to both Ariella and Hermione, resting a hand on their shoulder. As he stared into their faces, Ariella caught a slight gleam in his eyes as if he was holding back his tears. It must have taken a lot of strength to hold him back, Ariella thought. For Professor Lupin not to cry to run after and fight or to break down it was admirable but no one would blame him if he wanted to cry right then and there. “He will be fine. He is not alone; Professor Dumbledore should be with him as we speak.”

   He grimaced towards them before he walked over to the captive Death Eaters. Ariella caught a glimpse of Lucius who was pale as a ghost, she had no sense for sympathy for him but for Draco on the other hand, she knew that he would be losing a father with Lucius going to jail. A father for a mother. The only difference was that one day, Draco would get to see his father again; Ariella would not. As they agreed in silence that they would not run after Harry in respects to Professor Lupin, Ariella turned towards Cedric who didn’t bother to look up. At the moment, Ariella was mad at Cedric for holding her back, but that didn’t stop her from wondering what was going through his mind.

   As she walked towards Cedric, the moment she was face to face with him she gently punched her arm. When he brought his head up, his eyes gleamed. Cedric was holding back the tears and it being the first time Ariella has ever seen him in such a state, she continued to stare. Was it because of what he said or what had just happened?

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