Chapter Eleven

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  Ariella had her reasons for not telling her friends she was going to spend the holidays with her father. People were getting hurt, relationships were ruined and tension was rising. Ariella did not even mention to Cedric that she wrote to her father asking to visit for the holidays. The whole reason she decided to spend time with her father was to get some answers. Answers only her father could answer.

  Her father’s home was small and quaint, nothing like the spacious house they shared during her childhood. Everything was in its place, the entire house giving a warm and welcoming feel. Ariella sat in the living room, looking at the pictures on the wall and the Christmas tree that twinkled brilliantly. Ariella felt uncomfortable, it has been five years since she’s spent for than five minutes with her father and now she was in his new home with his new family and her old and familiar step-sister.

  Ambrosia stood in the kitchen, perfect view straight into the living room. Her eyes were strained from days of crying but over the past few weeks, she started to settle down. Ariella had no intention talking with Ambrosia, nor give her the heads up that she was staying for a few days; once Ariella walked through the door, Ambrosia’s face dropped and the fires of anger burned brightly in her eyes.

  Her father walked in, leaving Ambrosia’s mum giving Ambrosia a talk before she walked in with a tray of tea and holiday snacks.

   “Thank you, Mrs.” Ariella had no idea what to call her. If she used her maiden name, it would start things off to a bad start but she wasn’t entirely comfortable calling her “mum”. She gave a sympathetic look and smiled.

   “You can call me Jean, dear.”

   “Thank you, Jean.” Ariella gave a warm genuine smile.

   “I must say, I knew you were familiar the day we saw you at Diagon Alley. I’m sorry that we got off on the wrong foot.” Jean apologized but Ariella felt the one at fault. At Diagon Alley, she was the one to blow a tantrum, having everyone stare at her and her father looked pathetic.

   “No, it’s alright. All is forgotten.”

  Jean smiled while her dad kept her eyes on her the whole time. He still couldn’t believe that his daughter was sitting in his house, spending the holidays with him on her own free will. Her father shifted in his seat and tried to find something to say but the day at Diagon Alley, Ariella and her father left a bit of tension between the both of them.

   “Ariella, I was surprised you asked to stay over for the holidays, does your grandmother know?”

  Ariella shook her head. She had no intention of speaking to her, knowing she was the mastermind behind all of this. Ariella sheepishly grabbed a biscuit, not having to eat throughout the whole trip to London. They were delicious and refreshing, the cinnamon overpowering all of her senses.

   “Oh, don’t you think she’ll worry?” He asked concerned, knowing that her grandmother did not particularly like him, and will blame Ariella’s disappearance on himself, but he smiled knowing she was with him and it was all that mattered.

   “No, she’s hardly ever at home and I hardly see her ever since she found out I have friends. Right now, she probably thinks I’m with Cedric.” Ariella shrugged slightly.

   “Cedric? Your boyfriend?” Ariella forgot Cedric introduced himself as her boyfriend, and being Ariella’s father was still sensitive with the fact she was in a relationship. “Have you been spending the holidays with him?”

   “Dad, I really don’t think this is really important right now.”

   “I think it is.” His father side began to show, but Ariella still felt he was out of line.

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