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Brained101: any big plans today?
Brained101: are you still in China?
Brained101: Princess Peach?
Brained101: your Mario is calling!
Brained101: I can see that you're online. Stop ignoring me.
Brained101: at least change your settings dumbass.
Brained101: if you weren't online it wouldn't break my heart to think that my only friend left me.
Brained101: forget that.
Brained101: forget that I said that, I was joking.
Brained101: hahahaha
Brained101: see? I'm laughing.
Brained101: laughing without you byatch.
Brained101: SeokJin?
Brained101: ahh who am I kidding, I knew this was going to happen.
Brained101: everyone leaves me after some time, I got used to it. Don't worry, I understand.
Brained101: went offline


Chapter 33 and NamJoon being a little bitch. You know who else is little? Kookie aka Jeon Cena, aka look at this thing I made and published:

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