keturiasdešimt aštuntas [full]

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"Hey there Nayon." Jimin licked his lips leaning onto the wall next to where two girls stood. Nayon turned around with a little bit disgusted look on her face as her friend stared not impressed. "Hi." She said back and was about to turn around and continue the conversation Jimin cut off, but he grabbed her by the shoulder and stopped from turning her back on him.

"I was wondering, what are you doing later?" He asked and winked at Nayon. She rolled her eyes. "I don't know, studying?" She hissed at him and Jimin smiled sweetly. "Alone?" Smirk changed a sweet expression and Nayon immediately felt like vomiting. "No, with Sarang." She stated gesturin towards her friend and shook off his hand.

"Can I join?" Jimin was still boosting confidence even after being turned down twice. Taehyung, however, was nowhere in sight and older just guessed that he found some other girl to drool over. But Jimin wasn't going to give up so easy. "No." Nayon shot back and Sarang snorted.

"You don't mean it." Jimin winked at the girls and Nayon rose her eyebrow in disbelief. "I do." She said slowly for him to understand. "Come on baby." Jimin reached his hand out and stroke Nayon's chin. Her eyes grew big and suddenly Jimin was slammed to the wall himself. An angry blond pinned the boy to the lockers holding him by the collar.

"She said no." Mon hissed and his eyes were shooting lightning bolts. "Who the hell are you?" Jimin rolled his eyes a little bit scared, but not yet intimidated, he would have never showed he had some weakness, especially in front of girls. "Her brother, the question should be who the hell are you?" NamJoon's voice was cold as ice.

"It's just Jimout Monnie." It was Nayon turn to roll her eyes and Jimin almost gasped offended. "More like Jams out." NamJoon said unintentionally and had to take a deep breath realising that he was becoming one of those bullies he hated to so much. But the range from the fact that this guy thought he can talk like that with his sister took over.

"Good one Mon." Sarang chuckled and Jimin's stare shifted to her. NamJoon rolled his eyes at his sister's friend's comment, but it was obvious he felt great for standing up. He let go of Jimin's collar and stepped closer to his sister.

"Well then may I ask the same question this beautiful lady over here?" Jimin winked at Sarang leaning on the lockers and the girls frowned. Before she was able to answer anything Jimin suddenly got slammed to the wall. Again. "Don't you even talk with her." Yoongi hissed holding the guy by his collar. Everyone watched stunned and Jimin gulped surprised.

"Man, two times in a row." Nayon shook her head. "You must really have no jams." She chuckled and held up her hand for Sarang to high five her, but Nayon's friend wasn't even looking that direction, she had her eyes on Yoongi.

In the chaos no one noticed a lonely tall, brown-haired boy standing in the corner with his arms crossed on the chest as he carefully monitored everything slowly observing the school's social nerve system. He didn't even care that it was his brother that Yoongi pinned to the wall, Jin was aware that he wouldn't stand a chance against a mint-head.

He just sighed and was about to leave the spot, before anyone noticed and he would get dragged into drama, but a lonely stare from the side caught his attention. NamJoon was following Jin with his eyes thinking about something intensively. Jin waved at him and NamJoon quickly looked away.

Jin chuckled under his breath shaking his head at the behaviour of Mon and went away to find Taehyung. As soon as Jin got out of the spot, NamJoon once again concentrated on the scene in front of him, but his heart was racing even thinking about that Jin guy watching them. He mumbled a curse under his breath and cracked his knuckles.

Yoongi slowly lowered Jimin letting his feet once again touch the ground. Mint-head leaned in close to Jimin and hissed something that no one else heard, Jimin nodded and Yoongi let go of him. Younger ran off immediatly hurrying himself without glancing back.

"You okay?" Yoongi went to Sarang and she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. NamJoon exchanged glance with Nayon. Suddenly she gasped and started dragging NamJoon away as confused Yoongi and Sarang glanced at them Nayon smiled. "NamJoon just remembered he has a council meeting, I must attend too!" And she dragged away her brother.

"What meeting?" He mumbled as they were far away. "I have no duties today." Nayon shook her head in disbelief and started walkin away without explaining. "Come on, we'll just give them some privacy." She said as NamJoon caught up with her.

"Ooh." They walked in silence from then on. Until a dark haired head appeared from behind the corner. Siblings stopped getting into a stare battle with two pairs of dark eyes. One of the pairs belonged to Jimin who was angrily glaring at brother and sister Kim, and the other to JungKook who walked along older with his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Nayon!" JungKook greeted sister Kim and Jimin glanced at him. "You know her?" His voice was cracking up. "Yeah." JungKook frowned. "Well he," Jimin pointed at NamJoon. "just tried to beat me up for her." NamJoon watched the conversation lost, since those two spoke as if people they talked about weren't there.

"I see Monster is living up to his name." Suddenly a snort came from the side and four of them noticed Jin coming closer leading a group or laughing teenagers. "Beating up a new student. What a student council president!" Jin continued making fun of NamJoon and he just stared blankly, he didn't want to believe his ears and eyes that the guy was at it again.

"Jimin, let's go." Jin suddenly waved for younger and Jimin walked over to hin groaning. "Just because you're older doesn't mean you can order me around." Jin glanced back at the group of boys waiting for him to respond and he knew what he has to do. "Yeah, it does."

"Such a great brother." Jimin mumbled. "Sometimes I feel like I'm adopted." He whispered, but loud enough for NamJoon to hear, sending chills down his spine.

"Why you know him?" Nayon immediately started an investigation turning to JungKook. He held up his arms in defence. "His my cousin!" Nayon sighed. "Does that mean we will be seeing more of him?"

"I guess." JungKook shrugged.

"He seriously got no jams."


Do not accuse me!!!

That joke will never get old, okay.

Plus, I can't help, but imagine BlaackPaaradise as Sarang xD

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