dvidešimt ketvirtas [full]

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SeokJin put down his phone gnashing. He purposely turned the screen upside down and now it was facing the table just so he wouldn't have to see if NamJoon responded. He wanted to help him badly. He wanted to be his friend. Especially after what his sister told him. Especially after SeokJin realized how much this friendship would mean. After he realized what an amazing person NamJoon is. But now he felt angry. And he would never get mad. Even after endless of hours spent with his brothers.

"Food is ready." SeokJin's mom said putting a bowl of rice on the table. SeokJin was happy at first that this time he didn't have to cook, but appetite was gone. "Eat up." SeokJin glared at the food while he heard loud, rushed steps from the second floor as both of his brothers ran into the kitchen like they hadn't eaten in days. "Phones off the table." Mom stated and before he was able to stop her she snatched the device and threw it in her pocket. The brown-haired boy sighed and leaned on the table with his elbows while eyeing the food with his face in-between palms.

"Eat, you're so skinnny." Mom pinched SeokJin's cheek and Jimin snorted while quickly shoving the food in his mouth. She heard it. "It wasn't meant for you Jimin." She suddenly said and SeokJin's younger brother stopped eating, he gulped staring at their mom in disbelief and SeokJin's heart ached. He wanted to tell him the truth he found out. The horrible truth that Kim's blood wasn't rushing in his veins. He loved his brother and he would have done that any time, but mom noticed and gave him a meaningful look.

"I'm not hungry." SeokJin pushed a bowl away suddenly disgusted. Mom raised her eyebrow and Jimin tilted his head surprised. "Pff, more for me." Only Taehyung didn't seem to be effected by his older brother's behaviour as he pulled the rice closer to himself and started digging from both plates at the same time. "Pig." Jimin mumbled. "He's a pig." Taehyung said with his mouth full pointing at SeokJin.

"What? Why?!" SeokJin stood up offended out of the blue. He was never touchy and Taehyung knew it. That's why half-full spoon of rice barged on the table's surface falling out younger's mouth as he heard that. "Because.. it's pink." He whispered and the mom watched crossing her arms. She didn't seem to be much into stopping her boys from fighting, other way around, she was enjoying the view. As Appa Kim always said, healthy competition never killed nobody.

However now, it kind of seemed untrue as SeokJin walked around the table shooting lightnings from his eyes at Taehyung. He was obviously trying to shrink himself. It was so unusual. Usually Jimin and him would be the ones to tease SeokJin. But something about the chat with NamJoon triggered the boy and he grabbed his brother by the shoulders.

"Don't ever disrespect me again." SeokJin hissed, slightly shook Taehyung and let go of his clothes. "Thanks for the food mom, but I'm really not hungry." He said softer with completely different expression. Mom fished out the phone from her pocket and handed it to SeokJin, but as he was about to walk away he felt her still holding onto device and turned to her.

"Don't raise your voice again SeokJin, or I'll keep this." She raised her eyebrow letting go of the phone. SeokJin wanted to roll hie eyes, but he didn't dare to risk his only connection with NamJoon. The boy nodded causing his brown bangs fall into his eyes and bowed before leaving. "What got into him?" SeokJin heard Jimin whisper, but Taehyung just giggled instead of an answer.

"Our princess is getting moody." Youngest out of four kids didn't hesitate to make fun of his brother. SeokJin shook his head. He didn't expect anything else. The only person that always understood him even without words was his twin sister. He knew what he had to do.

"Chan?" He smiled at the camera on top of his laptop. The view on the other end shook as Chan adjusted her camera. "SeokJin-ah." She giggled. "How are you doing?" He crossed his legs sitting down on the ground and placing a laptop on the chair.

"Well I'm great and I have awesome news for you!" Chan squealed and clapped her hands excited. SeokJin nervously smiled at his sister and gulped nodding. "I will be an uncle?" He didn't waste a great chance to mock Chan. She frowned on the other end of the video call and shook her head. "I would slap you so hard, if I could only reach you."

"Soon you will be able." He reminded her and Chan nodded bringing some folder filled with papers to the shot. "That's what I wanted to speak about." She opened up the file and looked at it for couple of minutes before lifting her gaze back at SeokJin. "Do you mind inviting mom? She'll want to hear this." Chan asked aware how much SeokJin hated for their parents to spend time in their personal space. "Sure." He sighed got up and went down the stairs where Taehyung and Jimin were still eating.

"Chan wants to talk to you mom." He grabbed water glass and took a sip. His stomach growled and mom smirked. "I think you lied to me mister." She patted him on the back and pointed at the cooker. "There's still some left. Eat up and I'll go talk with my daughter." She said and wiped off floury hands.

"Why are you like this hyung?" Jimin questioned as Jin sat down with a plate full of rice. "What?" Fork was unpleasently scrubbed against plate's surface. "Aish." Taehyung rolled his eyes with mouth still full and covered up his ears. SeokJin didn't seem sorry. "You seem lost in space." Jimin continued. "I kind of am." SeokJin surprisingly amdited. He digged into the food as Jimin didn't let a worried stare down from his brother.

"Good news kids." Mom walked back into the kitchen after twenty minutes. She had a bright smile on her face and seemed in good mood in general. "You all got accepted to Seoul's school of arts, the same academy as Chan goes to!" She announced and Taehyung clapped excited. "To our desired classes?" He questioned and mom nodded.

"Jimin you'll be taking dancing major and painting minor. Taehyunh, vocal major and dancing minor. SeokJin vocals major and sculpture minor is waiting for you." She explained ans all of them smiled, but SeokJin seemed least excited. "SeokJin, Chan wanted to tell you something." Mom pushed him out the kitchen as she noticed his upside down smile. He sighed and ran up stairs to his room.

The chat was still going and Chan giggled as she saw him comd back. "SeokJin?" He sat down on the ground again. "Yeah." He didn't even get properly comfortable. The smirk on his sisters face crept his suspicious mind out immeditaely.

"I don't think you'd be becoming an uncle soon. Remember that you're my other half." Chan winled at her brother like partner in crome and ended the call.

Another full chapter and I really hope it's okay with you guys!! Ahh please tell me if it's okay, I really, really, really wanna know.

Also... I LOVE YOU ALL FREAKING MUUUCH, we continue to grow as Satellite is now #46 and this is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Give me those hugs :*

I was going to do another shameless self promo for "Moon rabbits" since I really want people to read it, but instead I am going to inform you, that even though I started writing NamJoon's story as the third book of "For you" series, I had decided that it will be Hoseok's turn and now I'm concentrating on him!

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