aštuoniasdešimt antras [full]

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"You are supposed to be helping me." Yoongi banged his fingers on the locker next to Jin. The older would usually jump or cringe, react in some way, but now he didn't even glance Yoongi's direction and started walking away. Slowly like a zombie, bumping into few people on his way. Yoongi frowned, he didn't even yell at Jin for acting like that, he just followed. 

Tired of walking for couple of minutes in total silence Yoongi came around Jin and blocked his way. "What is wrong with you!" Older seemed to be noticing the mint-head just now. "Huh?" He literally looked through his friend without an expression. Yoongi clicked his tongue. "You are supposed to help me, to set me up with Sarang! Did you forget that Jinnie boy? Cause I never forget such things, got it? The deal is not off even if you look like someone just made you eat a bag of shit." Yoongi didn't bother to sugarcoat his words.

"Okay." Jin answered blankly, even his voice didn't have a tone. "Well she's probably with Nayon, so let's go." He sighed and and they started walking side by side. After a minute or two they reached the center of school's nerve system - cafeteria. As expected Sarang could be seen chatting with Nayon by the door. Unfortunately surrounded by few of the boys that Jin talked to as soon as he arrived to the school. However he didn't care.

"Hey Sarang." Jin was headed towards her, but Yoongi suddenly slammed him against the wall. "What are you doing?" He hissed angry. "I'm setting you up." Jin shrugged shaking off mint-head's hands and just went to the girls. Yoongi was left standing with his jaw around the ground.

"Huh?" Sarang turn to the direction she heard the voice calling her come from. Her eyes stopped by Yoongi in the distance, but quickly moving Jin caught everyone's else attention. Boys surrounding girls grinned. Nayon waved at older. "Hi Jinnie." She chuckled as he nodded to her, but his attention was on the other person.


"Yes Jin hyung?" Girl rose her eyebrow. 

"A little birdy told me you would like to go out with Yoongi-ssi over there. He will be waiting by the school's gates as the lessons are over." Jin stated simply, flashed Sarang a smile and started walking away. He could hear boys groaning congratulating and whistling, as their hormones told them to do. He also heard confused Nayon trying to get a word out of her friend.

Jin smiled silently to the ground, but as he looked up again the smile vanished. Some familiar person with a head full of blond hair was making his way right this direction. "Excuse me." Mon mumbled as he tried to squeeze himself in between a wall and Yoongi who somehow managed to occupy the whole hallway. The bad boy of the school moved to the side unintentionally. But that was the wrong decision, as then NamJoon came face to face, one on one with Jin.

"Oh look Brainless Monnie." Jin suddenly heard shouts, they were right behind him. It was the same boys he hung out earlier. They surrounded three guys. "Looking for someone?" One of them asked Mon without waiting for an answer. "Your sister?" Other giggled. "She's way too busy with me to care about you Monster." He scoffed.

Jin just stared at them. He didn't say a thing. He didn't open his mouth and he didn't look up to his friend. He just stared at NamJoon, without a word. He could see how NamJoon knitted and then rose his eyebrows. He was teasing Jin. He wanted him to crack and start bullying him. NamJoon was waiting for a moment that could proved him right, that could prove Jin being just another jerk.

One of the guys in the group slightly bumped his fist on Jin's arm and as he caught older attention, the boy tilted his chin for Jin to join them. But he still just stared. NamJoon was first to let go of it. "Why don't you say anything hyung?" He said teasing and Jin cringed. "Too scared?" NamJoon crossed his arms. "I'm waiting."

NamJoon didn't care if the rest of the group was now gazing him shocked and confused. He didn't see them. At that moment there was only him and Jin in that hallway. And NamJoon wasn't going to lose this time, he wasn't going to give up. He waited for Jin to do it. He knew that sooner or later pressure will get to older and he will crack. But Jin remained still as a statue.

Yoongi glanced at NamJoon, then at Jin, back at NamJoon and again at Jin. He sighed and shook his head. Yoongi put his hand on Jin's shoulder and started dragging him away knowing that he will not say a word. Group of guys just cleared the way out for them. NamJoon followed to figures that were getting further anf further away with his eyes.

Finally they disappeared completely. And he was left alone. Again. With feeling of defeat. And broken heart.

"That was cool of you." Yoongi said as they were far enough, no one could hear them. "But just in case you decide to do something like that again, you should say goodbye to your precious head." Yoongi cracked his knuckles. He saw Jin was listening, but didn't really respond in any way. "What she said?" He finally asked.

"Just go to the school's gate after classes." Jin sighed. "Everything will be fine." It will be, he knew... but not for him.


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