penkiasdešimt penktas

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Brained101: I could really use one of those satellites now.

Princesspeach: NamJoonie!
Princesspeach: I'm so mad at you right now!

Brained101: okay, so I was going for another wish, but now when you mentioned it, I'd probably wish for you to stop being mad at me.

Princesspeach: why you do this to me!?
Princesspeach: fine
Princesspeach: whish granted

Brained101: thanks hyung

Princesspeach: what would you have wished for?

Brained101: for this stupid new guy in my school to disappear
Brained101: he keeps on bullying me for popularity!

Princesspeach: oh...

Brained101: he's fuking worst.

Princesspeach: school, right school!
Princesspeach: did you get my message that I am 99.9% sure we go to the same school

Brained101: what?! Really?!

Princesspeach: yeah!

Brained101: now I have another whish for that satellite

Princesspeach: yeah?

Brained101: to finally meet you!


Don't miss the previous chapter "penkiasdešimt ketvirtas".

Quick thought:

I was watching London Has Fallen and how the guy tries to safe the America's president at any cost, right? Right. And so I thought, if Donald Trump was the president the guy would probably safe him and then shoot him himself. Just a thought.

If you're easily offended that's not my problem.

The movie was one big nationalistic joke.

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