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Brained101: feeling any better?

Princesspeach: yeah
Princesspeach: thanks to you

Brained101: did you go out?

Princesspeach: yes, I promised, remember?

Brained101: good.

Princesspeach: what were you up to?

Brained101: just writing, nothing much.

Princesspeach: what are you writing?

Brained101: music.
Brained101: lyrics to be exact.

Princesspeach: oh! Lyrics... sounds so amazing, I wish I could write.

Brained101: just try it.

Princesspeach: nah, I'm horrible at it.

Brained101: I don't believe you. Everyone can write.

Princesspeach: not me.
Princesspeach: I'm not everyone

Brained101: no
Brained101: you're not everyone's
Brained101: you're mine
Brained101: my special friend

Princesspeach: awww
Princesspeach: can I read some of your stuff?

Brained101: one day.

Princesspeach: why not now?

Brained101: it's not finished.

Princesspeach: but life is too short to wait.

Brained101: where did your read that?
Brained101: one of your dad's books?

Princesspeach: what? My dad doesn't write books.
Princesspeach: he works all day long. As a chef.

Brained101: love's daughter.
Brained101: does that ring a bell?

Princesspeach: it was a typo!

Brained101: I know you meant it

Princesspeach: if I was love's daughter it would be really weird.

Brained101: why?

Princesspeach: Chan could be one, but me... yeah just take Chan, she's mine twin anyways.

Brained101: c'mon you'll be able to wear lots and lots of pink.

Princesspeach: gotta go

Brained101: hey where are you going?

Princesspeach: shopping /rolls eyes/

Brained101: and reality?

Princesspeach: shopping

Brained101: wait, really?

Princesspeach: yeah, I'll be made to drag all of my brothers' stuff again.

Brained101: I could come along with you.
Brained101: carry your bags or something.
Brained101: I wish I could.

Princesspeach: soon we will be able to go shopping together!

Brained101: in Seoul? Bad idea.

Princesspeach: why? Did I miss something?

Brained101: no, but everyone is crazy here.
Brained101: it's impossible to see the racks, that's how many people go shopping here.

Princesspeach: you must be overreacting

Brained101: not even a little bit

Princesspeach: have you ever even been shopping?

Brained101: yeah, my sister took me. I loved it.

Princesspeach: I see.
Princesspeach: well you know Beijing is really big too.

Brained101: I want to visit, I want to see where you live.
Brained101: surrounding forms the person.
Brained101: I want to see what shaped this wonderful porson names SeokJin.

Princesspeach: we'll visit.
Princesspeach: together.

Brained101: it's a bad idea SeokJin.

Princesspeach: why?

Brained101: I won't seea single thing!

Princesspeach: I don't get it.
Princesspeach: did you lose your glasses or something?
Princesspeach: do you even wear glasses?

Brained101: by the way, I do.

Princesspeach: but why wouldn't you see a thing?

Brained101: because I would be looking at you the whole time.

Princesspeach: staph.
Princesspeach: I'll introduce you to my friends.

Brained101: sounds great

Princesspeach: I should get going.
Princesspeach: but I don't want to.
Princesspeach: I want t stay here
Princesspeach: and chat with you.

Brained101: we'll have plenty of time to chat then you come here.

Princesspeach: okayy Namjoonie.

Brained101: why two y

Princesspeach: Idk, I just feel excited.
Princesspeach: like actually truly happy.
Princesspeach: it's not like I was sad before
Princesspeach: but I did feel a bit depressed about the whole moving thing.
Princesspeach: you made me change my mind.
Princesspeach: thank you

Brained101: your welcome babe

Princesspeach: went offlins

Brained101: it was a typo
Brained101: I mean babe was a typo.
Brained101: don't mind it.
Brained101: never mind, I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuk
Brained101: you're welcome.

Sup, what am I doing xD
Well at least i hope you're reading it with a smile. And to one very special reader here... Happy birthday! If time zones messed up my birthday congratulations then sorry! But have a nice day and may the fortune always be with you!
Stay happy!


#54 place in Spiritual. I LOVE YOU GUYS.

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