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NamJoon knocked on the door nervously tapping his shoe on the wooden floor. After of couple minutes he heard someone coming. He hoped JungKook still wished to keep his word. As the door opened and the younger showed up NamJoon smiled sourly. "Hey, can I come in?" He questioned and surprisingly fright lit up in JungKook's eyes.

"I'm not sure it's a good timing." Younger licked his lip and gulped, but kept the door open as if expecting that NamJoon will soon leave without thinking that JungKook is being rude. "Who is there?" A sweet female's voice echoed through a hallway and NamJoon glanced inside immediately pulling up a polite smile as he saw Missis Jeon coming closer. Middle-aged woman was pleasently surprised to see this tall, goofy, but at the same time shy and distinct neighbor's boy at their door.

"JungKookie dear, is that your friend? Let him in!" She was smiling with her eyes, pure joy reflected in deep black puppils. "Hello Missis Jeon." NamJoon said going in the house, he took off his shoes right away and tossed them to the side. JungKook's mom kept on smiling. "That's so nice of you to come to see my boy!" The woman was naturally chatty, and right now her cheerfulness added a bit of extra words. "I'll make tea for you three." She said walking away and NamJoon glanced at JungKook. "Three?"

"Bad timing." Younger mouthed and shrugged wanting to just walk away from the door, but then he cringed as another girly voice rang out, NamJoon's jaw dropped to the ground. "JungKook-ah? I thought you were going to show me-" Nayon stopped mid sentence as she saw her older brother by the door.

"Umm I'll go check on tea.." JungKook was about to sneek out but NamJoon caught him by his collar. He was angry before, at SeokJin, at himself, at the world, but now he turned outreaguos and his anger concentrated towards the younger boy of his neighbour's. "Not really friends, huh?" He hissed and JungKook gulped as Nayon watched at the same time surprised to see her brother here, or outside in general, and confused by what was going on.

"But hyung." JungKook tried to fight back, but NamJoon let go of him and turned around. "Everyone, everyone is freaking lying. I don't know why I still expect anything." He mumbled under his breath. "Oppa what are you doing?" Nayon called NamJoon and he turned around to his sister, still mad. "I don't know, I don't know yet." He said to her trying to ignore JungKook's presence.

"Well you came to see JungKook-ah, right?" She rolled her eyes obviously aware that she wasn't the one her big brother was looking for, especially here. NamJoon nodded. "Well why don't you stay? I won't interfer." She said lifting her hands in defence. "I just wanted to talk, but as I can see he is already busy." NamJoon threw a dusgusted look at the boy.

"He's not." Nayon crossed her arms. "I'm not?" JungKook looked up at her a little bit confused. Nayon rolled her eyes and sight. "One minute oppa, okay? Don't go anywhere." She asked and gestured for JungKook to come to her. Younger ran up stairs with crazy speed. NamJoon could see Nayon's lips moving, and how JungKook glanced at him every once in a while, but he didn't hear the actual conversation.

"He didn't talk woth anyone in a year! At least normally." Nayon whispered to JungKook and he gave a sideway glance for older. "If he wants to talk with you... well that's un unbelievable improvement! Of course, hurts a bit that he wouldn't talk with me, but at this point I'm just glad he speaks at all." She sighed. "Please, could you do it? For me?" JungKook bit his lip and nodded.

Nayon flashed him a smile and ran all the way upstairs into his room, holding thumbs up before closing the door. JungKook nervously turned around to hos hyung, scared to meet NamJoon's reaction. However, even if NamJoon seemed outrageous just moments ago, now he was spaced out. He wasn't even looking at JungKook, his stare went right through younger.



"I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"Is there really something to be sorry for?" NamJoon's voice was toneless and JungKook cringed, but attempted to keep an eye contact with crystal clear dead eyes of his hyung. "Hyung, what bothers you?" JungKook then questioned instead of trying to apologise. NamJoon finally lifted his gaze at younger and it was almost human-like.

"I-" Missis Jeon went out into the hallway and NamJoon stopped talking. She was friendlily smiling and had a platter with three cups of tea in her hands. "Just bring it into my room mom. Thanks." JungKook slightly bowed and Missis Jeon didn't even disagree. Boys heard door close and suddenly a chuckle appear. They exchanged stares and JungKook tilted his head. His mom was talking with Nayon. And chuckling. He shook his head and gestured for NamJoon to continue.

"I met someone online, and I thought that maybe I finally found a friend." NamJoon partly mumbled, JungKook still heard it, though he wasn't sure how to respond, so he just kept on listening. "But then he started ignoring me just like everyone else." NamJoon sighed and out of the blue formed his hands into the fists hitting the wall next to him. "Sorry." He whispered leaning back.

"Hyung, you asked back then, how do you know if friendship is real, for a reason?" It was a question, but even before NamJoon nodded JungKook knew the answer. "Well how do you know this person just ignores you?" Younger rose his eyebrow surprising NamJoon.

"What do you mean?" NamJoon slowly stuttered. Just now JungKook noticed that older was crushed by the idea that his only friend left him and that's what made him lose his sense. JungKook's task was to bring it back. "Maybe he has something to do, or something happened in his life... you never know!" He tried to explain softly. NamJoon seemed to listen. "You never know if the person will be there for you, until they aren't." JungKook thought. "That's might even be the person's choice. You first have to know that they are able to contact you, then judge them."

NamJoon looked shocked. "And I thought I was the brains."

"It's just shock hyung." JungKook smiled. "Its hard to think straight when you feel insecure." NamJoon was about to respond, but Nayon showed up upstairs. "Are you two done with your quality bonding time?" She giggled. "Come on, tea is getting cold." She warned and boys went upstairs.

But maybe I was wrong. What if there's no reason? JungKook thought looking at NamJoon, who seemed have felt eased. What if his friend actually left him in the dark? Alone.


Okay, okay, i know this chapter was total shit, but I honestly rushed it, so no wonder.

Maybe i will do better in the future, but I highly doubt it. At least not with all this pressure to do good at school before the break, maybe then I could get back to this full power!

Anyways, I wanted to ask you all one favor, I published yoonmin ff "Heart Beat" and it's for wattpad's competition and it would mean a world for me if you went and voted! There's nine chapters and I hope to finish publishing them all today!!

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