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Princesspeach: come on, don't be this moody

Brained101: I'm not moody
Brained101: I'm just not stupid enough to be tricked.

Princesspeach: it's not gonna hurt you

Brained101: what if it will

Princesspeach: only a coward wouldn't take a risk

Brained101: I'm not a coward
Brained101: and if that's what ot takes to prove you that I'm not, I rather be one.

Princesspeach: you really don't trust me at all ;-;

Brained101: I really don't hyung.

Princesspeach: woah, honest

Brained101: see, I'm not a coward
Brained101: if I was one, I would have never dared to say this to you hyung.

Princesspeach: you mean you would lie to me?

Brained101: it takes way more courage to say the truth than lie
Brained101: I guess you were right after all.
Brained101: I am a coward
Brained101: because I just lied to you.
Brained101: I trust you hyung after all.

Princesspeach: so you'll do that dare?

Brained101: yeah...

Princesspeach: dye your hair pink

Brained101: what?
Brained101: is this a joke?
Brained101: I told you how much I hate it and now this?!
Brained101: hyung!

Princesspeach: I'll be checking on you

Brained101: you don't even know how I look like.
Brained101: you might never find me.

Princesspeach: oh I will.
Princesspeach: and your hair better be pink.

Brained101: what do you know, maybe my hair is already pink.

Princesspeach: it is???
Princesspeach: #goals

Brained101: lol no
Brained101: I would never do that.
Brained101: I would never give that satisfaction to my sister.
Brained101: you know how many times she tried and did prank me while I was sleeping???

Princesspeach: so you're a heavy sleeper?

Brained101: kind of

Princesspeach: good to know.

Brained101: wait why??

Princesspeach: I'll be able to prank you.

Brained101: no you won't.

Princesspeach: yes, I will.
Princesspeach: I will collab with your sister.
Princesspeach: and we will dye your hair pink.

Brained101: I'm pretty sure he gad tried something like that once or twice.

Princesspeach: oh has she?

Brained101: I don't know what she haven't tried.
Brained101: I bet she has written a book on how to prank older brothers.
Brained101: She's probably a best selling author.

Princesspeach: now I like her even more.

Brained101: hey, back off.
Brained101: you have your own sister.

Princesspeach: protective much?

Brained101: you better don't touch her.

Princesspeach: what a lucky girl to have such protective older brother.

Brained101: you better not tell her I ever said this.
Brained101: better yet, don't even think about her.

Princesspeach: but why? ;-;

Brained101: you have a sister, isn't this protective feel familiar to you?

Princesspeach: no, not really she's older than me by nineteen minutes so... she was the one to protect me.

Brained101: she sounds so awesome.

Princesspeach: keep your hands to yourself creep.

Brained101: hey, you were just hitting on my sister hyung.
Brained101: I just learn from your example.

Princesspeach: Well I can't have a crush on my own sister, that would be weird and most likely illegal.

Brained101: and once again a bad example for my young brain.

Princesspeach: I don't think anything can ruin your mind flow more than it already is.

Brained101: you're so rude hyung.

Princesspeach: just don't copy this.
Princesspeach: apparently I'm a bad example.



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