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" Dad."
Anna walks slowly to Ben.

Harry points his gun at Anna, " Back away."
Anna stops.

Shane puts down the case.
" This is the money."

" Who are you ?" asked Harry, "..never mind. Check the money."
One of the men opens the case and touches the paper money on the top.

" It's real." said the man closing the case.
" Wait." said Shane as the man puts the case in front of Harry.

" What ?" said Harry looking at Shane.
" Sign this contract." said Shane showing a piece of paper," that you won't hurt them anymore."


" They left."
" That's good. We got the money." said Harry.

A man in black clothes comes out.
" How's the progress ?"

" The money's here." said Harry handing the case.
The man in black receives the case.

" Are you dumb ?" said the man.
" Pardon ?" asked Harry.

The other men look at the man in black.
" This case is too light." said the man.

Harry looks at the man.
" In other words, fake money." said the man.

" What ? I asked him to check the money." said Harry.
" The top ?" asked the man.

" H-How did you know ?" asked the man who checked it before.
" Then only the top is real." said the man smoking, " the bottom is all fake."

Harry bows, " I'll bring them back."
" You signed a contract, you can't do that." said the man.

Harry realizes his foolishness.
" I'll take all the responsibility if I'm caught. At least I can take the money back." said Harry.

" Relax. I'll find someone to get them back."


Anna covers her father with a yellow blanket.
Anna turns to Shane.

" Thank you. I'll find a way to pay you- "
" I'm going back."

" But.."
" That was fake money."

" W-What ?!" exclaimed Anna.
" If I said that it was fake, did you think that they would believe a person who doesn't even know how to lie properly ?"

Shane walks away.
" But what if they come here and take my dad away again ?" said Anna.

" Call me."

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