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Anna stands in front of the door.
Anna looks scared.

Shane presses the bell and walks away.
Anna glances at Shane.

" Yes ?" said Luna looking at Anna after opening the door.
" What's your problem ?"

Quinn appears from Luna's back.
" The annoying one." said Quinn rolling her eyes.

Anna inhales deeply and widens her eyes.
" I ! I will steal all your money ! And your company !"

Anna runs away.
" What the.." said Luna, " my company ?!"

Quinn pats Luna's shoulder.
" There's no way she can do that."

Quinn stares at Luna.
" Relax. She's obviously bluffing."


" Now what will we do ?" asked Anna.
Shane stays quiet.

' Are we going to stay here doing nothing ?'
" I have a plan." said Shane with a smirk.


" The deadline is next week." said Luna grinning.
Quinn scratches a number on the calendar.

" Yeah, the money is all ours." said Quinn.
Suddenly something touched their feet at the same time.

Not spiky.
Yet it made them frightened.

" WATER ?!" yelled Luna and Quinn in unison.
Luna and Quinn ran to the television.

" Wait, Luna. The water level isn't that high yet." said Quinn pulling Luna back.
Luna is relieved.

" So." said Shane provokingly that made them wonder how did he get in, " Your money is in there ?"

Quinn looks at Anna, " You little.."
Luna walks to Shane, " Yeah, so what ?"

Shane looks at Anna.
" I-I will get my money back ! No matter what !" said Anna lowering her head.

" How can you ? There's no way that you can open that case of money with us watching you !" shouted Quinn getting tired of all this.

Shane puts his hand around Anna.
" WE, will take back the money."

Quinn glares at Shane, " You can't."
Shane and Anna walk towards the door.

Shane turns to Luna.
" Watch your money."

Quinn slams the door hard after they went out.
' How did they get in ?!'


Shane looks at his key with different sharp and blunt places.
' It came in handy.'

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