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" Now we will pair the opponents."


Yuri presses Anna.
Yuri presses Shane.

" Hey, that's no fun." protested Hiro, did you see how the first stage proceeded ? Anna and Shane will work together. In the end, we're back to start."

" Then ?"

" Pair the liars. I'd like to see a fierce battle than a stalemate."

Yuri presses Ella.
Yuri presses Shane.


Shane VS Ella
Grace VS Anna

Ella turns to Shane.
Shane smirks.

Anna smiles.
" Thank god it's not with Shane."

Grace looks at Anna.
" Hey, are you thanking me ?"

" Eh ?"

" You're thanking god, right ?"

" Eh ? You heard it ?"

" Of course. It was a little.. loud."

Anna turns to Shane.
Shane is staring at her.

Anna lowers her head.
' Ooops.'

Grace smiles.
" God in Angel team.. Great."


[ song ]

Shane ( 5 p ) VS Ella ( 5 p )
Round 1 : Angel ( O ) Devil ( D )

Ella comes in.
" Shane."

Shane sits down.
" Don't call my name."

" I'm your sister, right ?"

" Not biological. And.. you changed."

" Changed ? Not at all."

" You were like Anna in the past."

" You just saw me in her."

" That was in the past."

" The past ?"

" Now it's different."

" Hmph.. don't bluff. I know you're trying to put me into bad mental state."

" I'm dead serious."

" I don't believe you. You're a genius liar."

" Whatever."

Shane turns away.
Ella shrugs and glances at the rules.

• Open the black box
• Open the white box

" Which box I should open ?"

" Don't ask me."

" Is it the black box ?"

" No."

" Then is it the white box ?"

" No."

" You're different from that idiot, huh ? No micro expressions seen, not even a faint smirk."

" Don't talk about that idiot's ability to lie. We all already know she's a special case."

" Then, just a hint ?"

They trade a glance.

" Then let me tell you. Open the white box."

Ella walks to the boxes.
Ella opens the black box.

" The defender walked right into the trap. The defender is down a point."

Shane smirks.
" That's what you get when you call her an idiot and doubt my hint."

Ella lowers her head.
She bites her lips, " erghh."

" I told you, right ? It's the white one. But unlike that believing idiot, you didn't follow my hint."
Shane smirks.

Shane glares at Ella.
" YOU are the idiot."


Anna stares at the screen, trying to find out their conversation.
Grace shakes her head and stands up.

Anna looks at her.
" Let's go." said Grace.

Anna smiles, " okay."

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