
26 2 1

Grace ( 5 p ) VS Anna ( 5 p )
Round 2 : Angel ( O ) Devil ( D )

Grace smirks.
Anna comes in.

" Hi." said Anna smiling.
Grace smiles back.

" What should I obey ?"

" Eh ?"

" Shane asked me to listen to your orders."

" Oh. Did he ?"

" He didn't say anything to you ?"

" I guess.. I should help you !"

" Huh ?!"

" Which one is the real trap ? I'll do it."

" Are you crazy ? I thought I could reconsider helping you win, but making yourself lose ?!"

" It's okay. I trust you."

" ...it's the black one."

Anna opens the black box.
" The defender walked right into the trap. The defender loses a point."

Anna smiles at Grace.
Grace scratches her head.

Shane ( 5 p ) VS Ella ( 4 p )
Round 3 : Angel ( D ) Devil ( O )

Shane comes in.
Shane glances at Ella.

Ella smirks.
" Try to guess the right trap."

• Open the black box
• Open the white box

Ella walks to Shane.
" Let me tell you, it's the black box that should be opened."

Ella smirks.
" Do you believe in me ? Or not ?"

" I don't believe that you changed so fast for these 5 years."
Shane walks to the boxes.

Ella smirks.
Shane turns to her.

" But I can't disbelieve it. You really changed."
Ella is dissapointed.

Shane turns to the boxes.
Shane opens the white box.

Silence, indicating that Shane did the fake trap.
" You lied." said Shane.

" ..can't we go back to- "

" Impossible."

" Anything is possible."

" No. You're not the old you."

" then guess why I am like this. Who made me into the person I am today !"

Shane lowers his head.
Ella drops a tear.

" Where did you go 5 years ago ?"

" You're asking me now ?!"

" Answer me."

" I was cheated by my friend into a huge debt."

" I know that. I'm asking your whereabouts."

" I was sold to a company to pay my debts off."

Shane glares at her.
" Now I have a chance to escape from the company by winning this LIAR GAME."

" You.. haven't earned enough money to get out from that company ?"

" I got 200 million at stage two. I paid them. But I don't have enough money to withdraw. So now I need to win."

" Join us. We will give the losers the death tickets."

" Sorry, big brother. I can't. I must move to the final stage.. with you."

" Fine. We'll both go to the final stage. But first, join us."

" How would I know that you would go to the final stage with me and not that hypocrite ?!"

" She's not a hypocrite."

" I can't let her be with you !"

" .......I don't like her."

" But she likes you !"

Shane glares at her.


" Achoo !" sneezed Anna, " weird. Who's talking about me ?"

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