
22 2 1

Shane comes in.
Anna passes him.

Shane pulls her hand without hesitating.
" What are you thinking ?" asked Shane.

Anna glances at Shane.
" Ms. Belle still has an apple she can steal. I'd like to give her another apple."

" Then.. excuse me." said Anna before walking away.


Anna smiles, " Pass."
Belle smiles.

Anna goes out.
' I still can win.' thought Belle smirking.

' If I get 5 apples, I still can win !'


Anna comes in.
Shane stares at her.

Shane is confused of her frown.
" You gave her an apple, yet you're still frowning ?" asked Shane.

Anna glances at Shane.
" Because, " replied Anna with curled lips, " the apples in her bank are zero. That means, she can't steal anymore. In addition.. there are only 2 rounds left. The maximum she can get as a guard is two apples in the end. She can only get 17 apples.."

No matter how you look at it, Shane is definitely weird for staring at her lips for no reason.

Anna pauses when she realizes where Shane is looking at.
Quinn smirks.

" Then.. I'm going !" said Quinn running away.
Shane is back to reality, " H-Hey !"

Anna furrows her brows, " huh ?"
" What's wrong ?" asked Anna.

Shane replies, " I let my guard down !"
Anna widens her eyes.


Round 29

Quinn sits down.
" I took two red apples from my bank. It's payback time." said Quinn, " he took my 20 red apples first."

Note : the apples beside the bank aren't taken out by using cards. So the members of the same team can also take his comrades' apples of the same color.

" Thanks !" exclaimed Belle.
" Remember our promise." said Quinn.

" 10 million." reminded Quinn.
Belle nods, " of course."

Belle presses the button, " Pass."
Quinn takes the bag and goes outside.

Quinn comes in, " I put it outside."
Belle goes out.

Quinn laughs.
Due to the soundproof taken off, the laughter is spread through the rooms.

" HAHAHA ! Pity you ! HAHAHA ! Pity you !" repeated Quinn.
Belle comes in.

Belle laughs.
Belle turns to the surveillance camera.

" You know, Anna, you're such an IDIOT !" said Belle.
Quinn stops laughing.

Quinn shouts, " You're such an IDIOT !"


" I need to pay my debt today." said Quinn forced to kneel.

The men want to press her finger down on the contract.
Anna pulls Quinn up.

" How much ?" asked Anna while protecting Quinn behind her.

" One thousand." said Quinn trembling.
Anna smiles, " I'll pay."


Quinn is snapped back to reality.
Quinn stares at Belle laughing.

The light shines on her curly hair.
" Hurry and pass me !" said Belle laughing.

[ LIAR GAME ost ]

Quinn presses the button without emotion.
" Apple. Two."

Belle continues to laugh.
Suddenly she stops.

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