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Shane ( 6 p ) VS Grace ( 3 p )
Round 8 : Angel ( O ) Devil ( D )

Grace comes in.
Shane is seen sitting on the sofa.

• Open the black box
• Open the white box

" Shane, which one is the real one ?"

" You know you can't surpass me anymore, right ?"

" There's still a possibility if I win and you lose this round."

" Try."

Grace walks to the boxes.
" Which one ?"

" Hey. If you promise to listen to Anna's words next stage, I'll tell you the real trap."

" Promise ? Huh. When did you start to believe in people too ? Are you affected by that idiot ?"

" I know verbal promises are useless in this liar game. But, if I mention that idiot, maybe it can work."

Grace exhales then turns to Shane.
" Deal."

Shane smirks.
" Open the black one."


Shane ( 6 p ) VS Grace ( 4 p )

" next round, try to doubt her."

Anna ( 3 p ) VS Ella ( 5 p )
Round 9 : Angel ( D ) Devil ( O )

Anna comes in.
Ella smirks.

• Open the black box
• Open the white box

Ella starts talking, " open the white box."
Anna stares at her.

" try to doubt her."

' A smirk appears on her face.. What is she happy about ? Is she happy about telling the truth ? ..or because I'm so naive ? What could this smirk mean ?'

Anna walks to the boxes.
' I should find out what the smirk means.'

Anna opens the white box.
" The defender walked right into the trap. The defender loses a point."

" Hahahahaha.."
While the laughing continues, Anna starts to understand people's feelings.

' I don't want to just receive any information like Shane said. I want to really understand people's feelings.'

Anna stares into blankness.
' Oh. The smirk meant her assured win.'

Anna stares at Ella laughing.
Ella stops, " what ?"

Anna pauses.
Ella raises her eyebrows at Anna's stare.


Shane ( 6 p ) VS Grace ( 4 p )
Round 10 : Angel ( D ) Devil ( O )

" You can't win." said Shane.
Grace turns away, " I know."

" Will you join the idiot's team ?"

" Huh ?"

" If you join, you'll get to escape this game."

" You mean, I get a death ticket ?!"

" Yeah."

" I'm in !"


Shane ( 6 p ) VS Grace ( 4 p )

Team Angel
* Anna
* Shane ( victory )

Team Devil
* Ella ( victory )
* Grace

" And now, the teams are grouped into like this."

Team Angel
* Shane
* Grace

Team Devil
* Ella
* Anna

Grace turns away.
Shane furrows his brows.

Ella smirks.
Anna frowns.

' Please.. don't let me fight with Shane again..' prayed Anna.

============= ^_^ =============

Woah seriously guys..
I just posted a single chapter just now : 97.
But how did it become from 2.13K to 2.26K ?!
This is a miracle !

Thanks for the loyal readers !
Hahah this is another psychological trick..
All of you would think you're loyal !

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