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户田 惠梨香 Toda Erika

户田 惠梨香 Toda Erika

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松田 翔太 Matsuda Shota

松田 翔太 Matsuda Shota

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============== ^_^ ==============

If only one person chooses crow, and the other contestants choose pigeon, the person who chose crow will get 10 million. If it's two person who chose crow, each person will get 5 million.

Anna stares at the screen.
Shane glances at Anna.

" Ah !" exclaimed Anna.
Shane glances at Anna again.

Anna smiles and runs to the front.
Anna turns to everyone.

" Everyone, please listen to what I'm going to say." said Anna getting pairs of eyes on her, " I have a plan so everyone can win."

Everyone widens their eyes except Shane.
" If we all choose the pigeon, we can all get one million. And if we keep doing it, in the end we will each get 20 million." said Anna happily.

Silence filled over the room.

" I'm fine with it." said Quinn.
" I'm in." said Rara.
" M-Me too." said Daniel.
Teddy raises his hand.

Anna smiles, " Everyone.."
" Well then, me too." said Ernest.
Wilfredo looks at Anna and nods.
Anna turns to Shane.

Shane turns away.
Anna walks to Shane.

" Say, did you doubt them ?" asked Shane.
Anna frowns, " Why are you always doubting them ? They trust me. So I trust them too !"

" Please choose pigeon, Mr. Shane."
Anna walks away.


Teddy puts in the vote.
Anna and Teddy's eyes make contact.

Teddy smiles.
Anna smiles.

The time stops.
" Now, we will count the votes." said Chelsy.


Anna stares at the screen.
Her smile fades.


A laugh is heard.
Anna looks at Quinn.

Quinn turns to Anna.
" Oh my my, you are such an IDIOT !"

Anna frowns.
" But someone chose pigeon, right ? Someone believed in me !"

" You idiot. That was for protecting you." A familiar voice is heard.
Anna turns to look at Shane.

Anna mumbles, " Mr. Shane.."
" Told you." said Shane scanning his eyes through the room," In other words, no one chose pigeon other than us."

Anna's pupil gets larger.
" We need to choose our team from the start." said Shane.

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