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Quinn raises her hand ready to slap this girl that seems annoying to her.
Shane grabs her wrist.

" Enough. She had her lesson." said Shane fiercely.
Anna's tears stop flooding out.

Anna looks at Shane.
Shane pulls her away.

Quinn sits back, " hmph."


Silence in the room.
Yet Shane haven't glanced at Anna the whole time.

" S-Shane.." stuttered Anna.
" Listen." said Shane, " you're going to doubt people next round. For now, pay attention to the people around you."

Shane stands up and walks away.
Anna walks to Shane, " wait, Shane."

Shane stops.
" Thank you." Anna bows.

" You don't have to bow." said Shane, " bowing gives an impression that you are indebted to them. That means, you're underestimated."

Shane walks away.
' Don't let me see that Broccoli.' cursed Shane in his heart.

Anna wipes her face.
Anna smiles.


" Please !" Anna bows.
' Even though Shane said so, but he said till the next round.' thought Anna.

" Tch. Go away." said Teddy, " you're an eyesore."
" I'm sorry for bothering you." said Anna apologizing.


" Please !" Anna bows.
Daniel pulls her up, " I know. I know."

Anna smiles, " you will ?"
" But.. I'm afraid they will all vote Crow, if it's like that, I won't get any money and go further in debt." said Daniel scratching his head.


Anna sighs.
Shane walks to Anna.

" Lend me your pen." said Shane.
" But.. " said Anna.

Shane stares at her.
" O-Okay." said Anna nervously.


Round 22
Time left 29 minutes

Anna waits at outside.
Shane comes out.

Time stop

Shane gives her pen back.
Anna turns to Shane.

Shane turned to another direction before she can realize his gaze.
Anna smiles, " what did you vote ?"

Shane looks around her.
No one near. Great.

Shane whispers, " Pigeon."
Anna grins, not because of the ticklish effect of his whisper, but it means that she was trusted.

Now everyone is here.
Anna looks at the screen.

" We will begin to announce the votes." said Chelsy.


Anna widens her eyes.


" Eh ?" said Anna raising her eyebrows.
Shane glances at her.

Anna smiles.
" Why are you smiling ?" asked Shane.

Anna turns to Shane while grinning.
" They each get a million." explained Anna.

" Only we lost a million." continued Anna.
" Imagine if I didn't predict your vote." said Shane, " you would drag yourself in even deeper."

" Hey everyone !" said Quinn loudly.
Anna looks at Quinn, and so are the others.

" I have a no-risk strategy !" shouted Quinn.
" Eh ?!" Anna smiles, " what is it ?"

" But it all depends on your vote." said Quinn staring at Anna.
Anna feels strange of their stares.

" Me ?!" asked Anna.

=========== ^_^ ============

I'm sorry I posted a revision guys..
This one is the original but it can't be opened since morning, so I.. um.. wrote again but it wasn't as good as the original. After that just now it miraculously wasn't blank anymore.
Thank you for reading btw ^^

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