
40 3 0

Teddy comes out, " What's the meaning of this ?!"
Shane smirks.

Teddy shows Shane's pen.
" This pen's ink is empty !" shouted Teddy.

Anna stands behind Shane.
" It can be refilled." said Shane.

Teddy turns to the dealer, " REFILL THIS !"
" We gave it to Mr. Shane." said Chelsy.

Teddy glares at Shane, " What ?!"

" Ah.. I had a hard time wasting all the ink." said Shane, " but it was worthy."

[ LIAR GAME ost. Electrode Spark 0102 ]

Shane walks to Chelsy.
" Dealer."

Chelsy looks at Shane.
" If my pen's ink is out, can I have a new one ?" asked Shane.

" Oh. Okay. We will get you a new one."

Shane shows his pen, " and guess what ? I got a new one in ten minutes."
Teddy is shocked.

" Do you want to dispose it ?" asked Chelsy taking the old pen.
" Can I keep it ?" asked Shane.

" Of course." Chelsy hands him the pen.
" Thanks." said Shane.

" AAAAHH !" shouted Teddy.
" Hmph." said Quinn, " it's not like you have lost anything."

Quinn crosses her arms.
Shane walks to the voting room.

Shane comes out.
Time stop

Everyone looks at the screen.

Crow Pigeon
...8... ....0....

" Eh ?" said Anna, " everyone ?!"
" So what ?" replied Quinn, " you too."

Anna widens her eyes, " I gave my pen to.. "
Anna stares at Shane.

" Hey, I saved you from 10 million debt." said Shane calmly.
" But.."

Anna turns to them, " please vote Pigeon ! So we can all win !"
" Did you see the screen ?" asked Quinn, " almost everyone betrayed."

" MY MONEY !!" shouted Quinn glancing at the scores flashing red for a moment.

A -7
B 0
C 17
D 0
E 0
F -3
G 1
H 0

" Back to block one." said Rara.
" Everyone, let's all vote Pigeon and all get a million !" said Anna encouragingly.

" With everyone trying to betray, why should I risk getting a debt worth 10 million ?!" said Ernest backing Anna.
Ernest walks away, leaving a faint smell of smoke.

Anna sighs.
Shane stares at Anna.


Round 22
Time left 1 hour 32 minutes

" Please !" Anna bows.
" I'm sorry, I can't. I'm going to shoulder a huge debt if I take the risk." said Rara.


" Please !" Anna bows.
" Can you guarantee everyone will vote Pigeon ?!" Quinn growls in fury.

Quinn stands up.
" You know it's dangerous. But you still wanna lure us into the risk of getting an enormous debt ?!"

Anna raises her head to look at Quinn.
Her eyes are wet.

" You believe everything. You believe that we can win by voting Pigeon. But !"

" Humans have greed."
Quinn glares at her widening her eyes.

" If you want to believe something, then believe it, I won't forbid you, but don't ask us to do what you believe is right ! You don't want to doubt things.. huh ?"

" Doubting is cruel !"

" No !" shouted Quinn, " you don't care the consequences of believing in people. You suppose me to believe in someone who doesn't doubt ?"

" In other words, you gave up on trying to understand. And just recieve it like it is. YOU're the one who is cruel."

Shane just stands behind the door listening them talking.

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