Chapter 2

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In the vibrant morning light,Alex woke up from his slumber and got out from bed.As Alex and his family ate breakfast,Alex's mother faced towards Alex."Did you have any dreams last night,Alex?",Alex's mother asked.Alex swallowed his food so he could talk."Yes,I did.It seemed familiar to me.I didn't seem to remember what it meant or why I dreamed about it,but I just went on and continued dreaming.",Alex explained.Alex's mother had a concerned look on her face,but that look faded away fast."April,did you have any dreams?",Alex's mother asked.April is Alex's younger sister.April is in the 2nd Grade and loves her plastic dolls."No,I didn't have any dreams,mother.It seemed strange to me.",April said,as she wiggled around in her chair."I see...",Alex's mother said."You two gotta get to school now..",Alex and April's father said,as he cleared his plate."Right...",Alex and April said in unison.Alex and April both got their schoolbooks and headed out the door.Their father followed them from behind until he caught up to them."Come on,April...let me take you to your school.Alex,you ride on your bike,okay?",their father said,as he grabbed April's hand.As Alex went to get his bike,Josh sneaked up on Alex and scared Alex."Don't scare me like that,Josh.",Alex laughed."Come on..let's ride to school together.As Josh and Alex reached their classroom,their teacher greeted them."Good morning,boys.Take your seat now...",their teacher instructed.As Alex and Josh took their seats,Alex saw Lizzy looking at him and smiling.Lizzy waved her hand,as her brilliant smile glowed with happiness.Lunch time rolled around and Alex talked about his dream with Josh."That sounds like an odd dream...I had weirder.I also had a dream where it seemed vaguely familiar to me.It seemed strange.",Josh said,as he picked up his tray and threw it in the trash can.Alex and Josh walked outside to the courtyard and sat down on a bench.They kept on talking about the dream until Lizzy walked by."Oh,hi Alex and Josh.What are you guys talking about?",Lizzy asked,as she sat down with them.",i-it's nothing..nothing a-at all.....",Alex said,as he blushed with embarrassment.Lizzy leaned forward Alex and squinted."Are you sure?",Lizzy asked,seeing that Alex couldn't stop blushing.Alex nodded his head,which which meant that he was sure."Okay..",Lizzy said,as she backed away and walked off."What was that all about?Do you like Lizzy?",Josh said,with a devilish smile."N-No...I don't like her like that...",Alex whimpered,as he kept on blushing.Soon,the students began to head home,the day was getting dim and Alex laid his head down to sleep,and dreamed about Lizzy.

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