Chapter 8

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As Alex woke up from his peaceful slumber,he found April smiling in front of him."It's you birthday today,big bro.",April smiled.Alex faintly opened his eyes."Okay,April...I'm up.",Alex smiled back.April beamed."Mother,he's up..",April called out to her mother.Their mother came into Alex's room,with some breakfast for Alex."Good morning,dear...ready for a really happy birthday?",Alex's mother said,as she set down the plate of eggs and bacon onto Alex's lap."Thank you so much.",Alex beamed.April sat on Alex's bed."So,you're 11 years old,now,big bro?",April asked."Yep,I'm now 11...",Alex smiled.April nodded her head."In two years,you will be a teen.",Alex's mother told Alex.Alex had a curious face on."Mother,what was being a teen like to you?",Alex asked,curiously.His mother jolted."Um....i-it was a nice was...",Alex's mother stammered.Alex tilted his head.Why did my mother hesitate?,Alex thought.Alex didn't understand what his mother said,but he just went along with it and ate his birthday breakfast.Soon,when the afternoon rolled around,Alex helped his father work around the house."Happy birthday,champ..",Alex's father laughed,as he ruffled Alex's hair.Alex chuckled."Do you think I can help you with some stuff,father?",Alex asked,as he saw his father work on the front door."No,I think I got this under control,Alex...thank you,though...",Alex father smiled.As Alex went back inside,he began to read a book.Soon,when he was still reading,he heard a CRASH!"Father!Are you okay?",Alex said,worrying."I just slipped and fell,champ...can you please get your mother,Alex?",Alex's father asked,as he winced at his knee."Okay..",Alex said,as he rushed into the house.Soon,Alex's father had a cast on his leg."Are you going to be okay,Daddy?",April asked,as she took a look at her father's broken leg."I'm going to be fine,sweetie...Daddy just has to wear a cast for a while.",Alex father said,in a soothing voice."Come on,Alex and two have to get ready for two have school in the morning.",their mother told them.When Alex was trying to sleep,he thought about his father.It was the first time he ever saw his father cry.

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