Chapter 5

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As Alex rode towards the Mayor's room on his bike,he got of,ran towards the doors,rushed inside the room and pointed at the Mayor."You have something to do with this town's memories,aren't you?!",Alex exclaimed.The Mayor signaled the two men to close the doors behind Alex and grinned."What on Earth are you talking about,boy?",the Mayor sneered."You know what I'm talking about!",Alex screamed,as he hit his fists on the Mayor's desk.The Mayor gave Alex an angry look."I have no idea what you talking about,young the way..should you be at home by now..your parents must be worried.",the Mayor grinned.Alex fumed."I'm fine..I'm just concerned about you...",Alex said,as he grabbed the Mayor's tie,which was on his neck.The two men walked towards Alex and grabbed him hostage."Let me go,you two!You two are gonna get it!",Alex said,as he fidgeted."Get out of my office,boy...I'll see you later...",the Mayor signaled the two men to toss him out.Alex landed in the gravel outside the building,and he was fuming with anger."I'll find out your secret someday..and I will tell the whole town..",Alex threatened,as he waved his fist in the air.Alex got on his bike and rode off.The Mayor was looking outside the window."Mr.Mayor,shouldn't we worry about that kid?",one of the two men asked."No...I have a better idea...",the Mayor sneered.As the day began to fade into darkness,Alex was getting ready for bed."I know there is something going on...",Alex thought.As Alex was sound asleep,two figures were creeping among Alex.They grabbed Alex and they brought Alex to the Mayor's office.Soon,they tied Alex up on a chair.Alex soon woke up,finding himself tied up on a chair."W-Where am I?",Alex asked,confused."Hello,Alex..comfortable?",a figure asked."Who's asking?",Alex asked."It's me...the Mayor...",the Mayor said."What do you want,Mayor?",Alex asked,sternly."I want you to forget about all you heard about the citizens losing their memories...or we will force it out of your using this Memory Eraser.",the Mayor explained,while he was holding the contraption.Alex wiggled around,finding an area to escape with."Never...",Alex exclaimed."Very well...",the Mayor sneered,then he snapped his fingers.The two men grabbed Alex's head and held it towards the Memory Eraser."No!Please,don't!",Alex screamed.The Mayor laughed,while he pointed the contraption towards Alex."Ok,fine....I'll forget......",Alex said,as he cried."That's more like it...thank you,Alex...",the Mayor said.Alex was untied,then he ran for his life,while tears flowed down his cheeks.

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