Chapter 6

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The next day,Alex was riding down on his bike,as he headed towards the store.Soon,he saw Lizzy with her mother."Hi, are you doing?",Alex said,as he smiled."I'm doing about you?",Lizzy smiled back.They talked for a long time,until Alex realized what he was going to do."I have to go get some things from the store...see you later,Lizzy.",Alex said,as he waved goodbye.Lizzy wished him goodbye as well.Soon,as Alex was bringing home the things,he ran into the Mayor again."What do you want now,Mayor?",Alex asked,as he rolled his eyes.The Mayor just smiled."I apologize for our past events,so I want to invite you and your family over to treat..",the Mayor said,as he gave Alex his phone number."We'll be in touch...",the Mayor said,as him and his two men walked away.Alex took a look at the card.The card reads:You will obey me!Alex had a confused look on his face.Soon,Alex arrived at his home."I'm home...and I have some news for you,Mother...",Alex called out for his mother."Hello,dear..what news do you wish to tell me?",Alex's Mother responded."It's the Mayor..he wants to have us over for dinner...",Alex answered.His mother beamed with joy."He wants us over for dinner?",Alex's mother asked,while she smiled at Alex."Yes,he does..",Alex said."Oh,what joy....Honey..get April ready..the Mayor wants us over for dinner!",Alex's mother called out to her husband.Soon,when Alex and his family were on their way to the Mayor's place,Alex had a nervous look on his face.What does want this time?,Alex thought."Hello,Alex and his family...welcome..",the Mayor smiled,while he opened the door for them."Thank you for having us,Mr.Mayor...",Alex's mother thanked him."It's no problem...I just thought that since your son is such an imaginative boy,I thought that maybe I should get to know his family.",the Mayor said.Soon,when their dinner was being prepared,the Mayor motioned Alex to come with him."I am warning you....tell me how you know about the past memories or your family will know that you aren't the innocent boy they think you are.",the Mayor warned Alex.Alex rolled his eyes."No,I won't...go ahead,tell them..they won't trust you....",Alex smirked.The Mayor was going to fume with anger,but he just tugged on his tie."Very well,then...I call your family for dinner,soon.",the Mayor said,calmly.Alex started to think that the Mayor has something up his sleeve.

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