Chapter 7

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As Alex and his family ate dinner with the Mayor,the Mayor couldn't stop looking at Alex.Alex ignored the Mayor's behavior and kept on eating."You know,Mrs.Jones,I couldn't help notice that your son has an imaginative mind.",the Mayor complimented."Why,thank you,Mr.Mayor.",Alex's mother smiled.Alex rolled his eyes.He's just flattering,then they will know his evil side,Alex thought.The Mayor looked at Alex in a very stern manner."Come with me,Alex..let's have a little talk.",the Mayor signaled Alex to follow him.Alex got up and followed him."Listen..I know you are thinking I'm evil,but I'm just trying to know your family..",the Mayor explained."Yeah, are just trying to gain their trust,so that they won't believe me anymore..",Alex sneered,as he rolled his eyes.The Mayor grabbed Alex's collar and held him against the wall."I'm telling the truth,boy...just..stay out of my way..",the Mayor said,as he tightened his grip on Alex's collar.As Alex was dropped on the ground,he gasped for air."I know you have a bad side,Mayor...I just know it....",Alex scowled.The Mayor walked back to the dining table."I'm sorry for the disruption.We were just talking about how wonderful your son is..",the Mayor smiled.As Alex limped over to the table,Alex fell down on the ground."Alex!!",Alex's mother gasped.Alex's family rushed over to him."M-Mother...the Mayor attacked me....w-we should go,mother..",Alex said,quietly.The Mayor had a nervous expression on."Come on,Alex's family..let's go to the entertainment room.."the Mayor chuckled,nervously.Alex's mother scowled at him."I'm afraid we should go home now,Mr.Mayor..goodbye..",Alex's mother said,sternly.The Mayor sighed."Very well...bodyguards,let them go home.",the Mayor instructed the two men.The two men opened the doors for Alex's family.As they exited,Alex saw the Mayor scowl at him.Alex looked back at his mother and stroked her hair."I'm sorry for ruining the visit,mother...I'm the one to blame...",Alex apologized."It's alright,Alex...I though that the Mayor seemed strange,as well.",Alex's mother answered,as she gave Alex a warm smile.As Alex was trying to fall asleep that night,he couldn't stop thinking about his mother and what she had just said.

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