Chapter 14

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Alex's father's leg started to feel a lot better.Alex's father can finally walk and do chores,now.Alex smiled at his father's success.Soon,news broke out that a new Mayor has been elected.Alex started to remember the fatal moment when he killed a human being for the first time."Cheer up,'s a great thing now that a new Mayor is here.",April said,as she gave Alex a warm smile.Alex smiled back at her."Thank you,April..",Alex said,as he smiled and ruffled April's hair.April gave a play-punch to the hip.Alex pretended to fall down to the ground and began to laugh.April and Alex loved to play games all the time.April laughed as well.Alex and April's mother looked at the two and began to smile.Soon,Alex and his family were all dressed up to go to the new Mayor's ceremony."As you all know,the old Mayor has recently died and this town to go into shambles.",the new Mayor explained.Alex still remembered that fateful day.April nudged him at the hip and gave him a smile.Alex smiled back and continued to listen to the new Mayor's speech."I promise each and every one of you,people of this town,that this town will be a whole,new place once I'm in charge.",the new Mayor said.Alex blankly stared at the Mayor."Is everything alright,honey?",Alex mother asked.Alex shook his head."I know that there's something going on here..I just know it...",Alex whispered.Alex tapped his chin and thought.Soon,he figured out what is going on.April play-punched her brother."Stop being such a Mr.Mystery,'s the new Mayor's big day..let him have this..",April said,as she smiled.Alex nodded his head in agreement.I guess she's right..I'll let him have this,Alex thought.As the speech ended,people began to gather around the new Mayor.Soon,the Mayor began to walk towards Alex."I have heard about you and the previous Mayor before me..and I understand..",the new Mayor said,as he smiled.Alex knew that this new Mayor might not be so bad as the previous one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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