Before All The Flames Burn Out

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A wild mass of black hair was the first thing I noticed, before dropping my gaze to find a pair of heavily lined pale green eyes, the corners of which were sloping down slightly and creased with smile lines. A single stud nestled in one ear and I could see where there used to be others and as well as a minuscule mark from where a nose ring once sat. Perfect lips quirked upwards in a curious smile, showing no teeth, but I knew that they would be slightly crooked. He was wearing a black shirt that was rolled up to his elbows and a black waistcoat. He'd changed from earlier and somehow managed to look even better. He wore black skinny jeans that clung to his petite frame, slung low on his hips and held up with that silver studded belt that I adored, on his feet were a pair of beat-up black converse. Not that I was looking that closely. He noticed my stare and smirked a little as he also had been looking me up and down.

Suddenly, I was very much up for being hit on. He was here, really right here, stood right in front of me, looking into my eyes and waiting for me to reply. I would have found that easier if he hadn't been so bloody attractive, and wearing a shirt and waistcoat like that was instantly guaranteed to kill me without the added help of his general hotness.

"I-I," I could feel the heat threatening to rise to my cheeks. "Erm, just boy drama. You know, the usual. Benji!" My voice came out strangled and more panicked than I would've liked it to as I called for another drink. I went to slide another note over the counter when a warm hand covered mine, sending my body into overdrive at the simple gesture.
"I got it," Billie freaking Joe Armstrong said as he paid. My eyes must've been double their usual size, and I was paralysed, the only thing moving me just seconds later, just before Billie moved his hand, was my phone alerting me that Josh had sent me yet another text. I jumped away as if I had been burnt and scanned it quickly; it was the same as before, misspelt crap fro Josh, but I didn't delete it. Instead, I took a drink. A long one. Billie Joe watched me with a funny expression; he looked half amused, and half worried, maybe.

"Must be pretty bad drama to get you drinking like that unless you're an alcoholic, y'know. Which you aren't because that," he pointed at the half empty glass in my hand "is lame." The way he looked at me made me feel like I was in a trance, those green eyes seemed to bind me to my seat and compel me to talk to him, especially when they turned pleading.
"Well you got me there, I'm not an alcoholic," I tittered nervously, unsure of what to say "I'm just- never mind."
"Just what?" He prompted.
"You don't want to hear my whining; I'll just bring you down. Surely you'd rather be partying? You've got to want to be celebrating after a gig like that," I pushed, but he just shrugged casually and his gaze on my face intensified, if that was even possible.
"I'll be your shrink,"
"What are you going to do? Analyse my dreams?" I challenged before the pair of us began to laugh.
"Y'know, I don't think I properly introduced myself, I'm Billie Joe," he held out his hand to me.
"Lily," I smiled grasping it, the sensation sent my body haywire, and I had to fight to not pass out. Touching him, it felt electric. And it had nothing to do with the fact that he was my musical hero, idol and basically the love of my teenage years. It was like when I used to touch Josh, but it was nothing like Josh. Josh had sent a warm pulse through me, something, but Billie, Billie Joe made me feel like I'd been struck by lightning, so much more powerful. I think Billie felt the shock too because he flinched, but then tightened his grip for a second, our gazes locked on each other.

Billie Joe pestered me until I gave in and told him briefly the situation with Josh. In response to which he grabbed my phone, despite my weak and mildly drunken protests, and deleted "The asshole, he doesn't deserve you anyway,"
"Well, y'know, that's one problem solved. Now the other one is a lack of sex." He was still stood up; all the stools occupied, but he shifted his position so he was leaning on the bar in a bit more of a provocative way, a goofy smirk making its way onto his features, he was stood close to me anyway because of the crowd in the small venue, but now he was basically leaning over me, his hips pushing forwards and arms hovering above mine, just waiting for me to allow him to touch. 
"I had a feeling you were going to say that," I laughed as I hid my blushing face in my hands. Saying as Billie Joe was my favourite human on the planet, and I was fighting the starstruck feeling, I was finding it easier than I thought to talk to him. His sense of humour was similar to mine and it was no effort to respond to his silly quips with cutting remarks and slightly offensive comments.

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