Occupational Hazards

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Occupational Hazard

"Jamie, I want you to come right inside and get some rest," Eddie ordered ushering her boyfriend into her apartment. "I don't care if he was about to blow us all to smithereens, a shoot is a traumatic thing and your blood pressure was way up when the doctor checked you."

"I know Eddie," Jamie sighed. She had been mothering him since they left the hospital after he shot and killed John Johansen. "I know, this is my second shooting incident. I had the same thing after my first. A good night's sleep is really all I need," Jamie assured her.

"Still, let me pamper you a little, huh?" she asked leading him to her sofa and propping his feet up on the couch. "You want a beer, some whiskey?" she asked.

"A shot will be nice, but Eddie," Jamie replied. "What's this all about really? You aren't usually this hyper."

"Jamie, we all almost died tonight," she replied. "This isn't the first time I had to go to the hospital with you, but it is the first time that I did it as your girlfriend. Making this official just got my..." Eddie poured two whiskeys and sat down putting Jamie's feet on her lap.

"Talk to me," Jamie said sitting up and leaning against the back of the sofa.

Eddie sighed, "I think this thing with Beth was getting to me a little bit," she sighed. "She is so lonely, she has no one. The only person she ever really had in her life died...I guess I just looked at her and saw myself."

Jamie sighed and sat up the rest of the way, "Come here," he whispered softly. "Holding you is better medicine than putting my feet up anyway." Jamie dropped a kiss on top of her head. "Listen to me, Eddie. This thing we have going here, me and you...I am in, all right? I am all in. You are not going to be like Beth Behar, all right? We are together, we have each other and when we tell my family you will have a brother and sister, a father, a grandfather, a niece and two crazy nephews...you will have a big family..."

Eddie turned in Jamie's arms and smiled. "A big family," she sighed. "I'd like that. Have you ever thought about having kids? Not with me necessarily but..."

Jamie nodded, "When Syd and I were engaged, I used to talk to her about it all the time. I want to have two kids at least, I mean I'd be happy if we had one, but I would like two at least. I loved growing up with siblings, even if Danny is a pain in the butt."

"It was always just me," Eddie replied. "I never thought of having siblings because I just never did. I think two would be just the right amount." She looked up at Jamie and he smiled.

"When you look at me like that...it warms my heart, Eddie. When you look like that it feels like if I do nothing else in the world, I am doing enough just by being with you."

"Jamie you...are..." Eddie sighed and leaned up to kiss him. Jamie wrapped Eddie up in his arms holding her tight against him. He slowly opened her mouth with his tongue, exploring her mouth more deeply than he had ever done before.

Eddie sighed into Jamie's mouth, allowing him deeper access. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Her hands roamed over his back while his right hand came around to cup Eddie's breast. Jamie slowly massaged the orb through her shirt, enjoying the feel of her softness after a long and hard day. He missed this, having someone to come home to or in this case home with.

When Jamie pulled back, Eddie cried out at the loss. "I know, but I think considering all we have been through..."

Eddie nodded, "Yeah, I don't want the first time we make love to be the same day as when you killed someone. Today should be just for you...for me to take care of you like you took care of me."

"Eddie, my heart isn't bleeding over this guy," Jamie confessed. "He was sick, and yeah that is sad and of course I feel something over taking the guy's life but...it's not the same as the last time."

"What do you mean, babe?" Eddie asked letting the endearment slip in the intensity of the moment. Jamie was always the one to support her, now it was her turn to listen to him.

"I mean, the last time I shot the guy, he had a family, two kids, a wife...he was just really in a terrible place. If I had asked a question or had been trained to spot it a little bit better, maybe I could have talked him down, but Johansen? He just...it was different. Maybe because last time I know now that Jennings wasn't going to really hurt those kids, and Johansen, he was going to kill you and me and everyone in the building. Today, I feel like a hero, that last time, I felt like a murderer."

Eddie stroked Jamie's cheek, "I know...I felt like that too. It was hard, but I felt like maybe I saved your life. That's what got me through it, and holding your hands and listening to your voice...just you..."

Jamie stood up and pulled Eddie with him, "It's getting really late, why don't we turn in and get some rest. There's nothing that a good night with you in my arms won't cure."

Jamie headed to the bedroom and stripped down to his boxers and tee shirt while Eddie set the coffee maker for the morning and locked the doors. She grabbed her phone and plugged it in next to Jamie's.

When they stayed at each other's apartments, everything looked like his and hers. Two uniforms hanging on the closet doors, one long, one short, two towels, one mauve, the other some shade of cream or blue, two guns, again one much more distinct than the other...now two phones, one old bar phone with no real features and one tricked out android that was more of a minicomputer than a phone. In every way they were alike they were different, but so far that was good.

Eddie pulled on an old tee shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. She slid into bed next to Jamie. Even though they still had not made love, they had not spent a night apart since Eddie asked Jamie to stay with her in her apartment. They were clearly in love with each other, they both knew it and Jamie feared that soon many of the other observant cops in their lives would know it too. The question was, would he really care? Lately he felt like he'd give up everything to keep Eddie in his life.

Jamie rubbed Eddie's back gently as he felt her dozing off. He was a little too high on adrenaline to fall asleep just yet, so he amused himself feeling Eddie's soft skin under his fingers. Just as Eddie was crossing the barrier between sleep and wakefulness, her phone rang. Jamie looked at the caller ID. "Hey Eddie, exactly what phone number did you give Beth?"

Eddie pushed herself up and wiped her eyes, "My freedom voice, it'll go right to voicemail so I can see if she really needs me." She grabbed her caller ID, "Oh, man..." she laughed. "Remember that guy that broke up with me by text? That's him."

Jamie reached out for the phone, "No way, gimme!"

"Jamie!" Eddie warned as he grabbed the phone out of her hands and started to text a reply to the offending phone number.

"What did you say?" Eddie asked when he relinquished the device.

Jamie leaned over and gave Eddie a kiss. "I told him you were spoken for and that it was his loss and it was. It most certainly was," Jamie whispered as he leaned over and captured Eddie's lips in another hungry kiss.

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