Stomping Ground

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"Jamie," Eddie said hesitantly. "Jamie, say something..."

Jamie was seething. He was angry and the lock in his jaw was showing it. "Jamie, I didn't kiss him. He kissed me."

"Really Eddie he kissed you! But you didn't move away which makes this on you!" Jamie couldn't sit still the Reagan temper he was usually good at holding in grew.

The thought of Eddie kissing another man... Jamie scowled at the thought.

"Jamie calm down let me explain," Eddie pleaded with him.

"Fine!" Jamie snapped. "You go ahead and explain!"

Eddie sat down, "We went for a drink, that was wrong in hindsight, but you were on board with it, you and I talked about it."

"I know that," Jamie replied. "But I didn't think you'd be kissing him!"

"I didn't think I would be kissing him...We had a few drinks, he..." Eddie took a breath. "He closed on me, our lips touched. I pulled back and that was it but Jamie...I did not want the kiss and I set the boundary that it cannot happen again."

Jamie took a breath, "Are you all right?" He hated the thought of her feeling used and abused.

"I'm good, it's not the first time I had a man kiss me when I wasn't thrilled with the idea! I did handle it and honestly if we weren't in a relationship I probably would never have said anything."

Jamie's eyes softened, he wasn't really angry at Eddie, he was angry at Ray Langley and mostly at himself for not speaking up when questioned about Eddie. "Do I have to get into it with this guy?"

Eddie shook her head, "No," she replied softly. "But can you forgive me? I didn't like kissing him Jamie, and I didn't have trial prep I just didn't want to be near him after...I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I hurt you."

Jamie pulled Eddie into his lap and kissed her cheek. "What hurt was that you didn't come home right away and tell me."

Eddie laid her head on Jamie's chest, "I didn't want you to go off halfcocked and get all protective. I love you so much...but sometimes you have to just let me take care of myself."

Jamie took a deep breath, "Do you know how hard that is for me to do? As a partner, yeah, I can let you handle things's the way I was brought up honey."

Eddie nodded, "Most of the time, I like this. The Langley thing though, it has to do with work and our personal stuff me to let you know that I need your help okay?"

Jamie nodded, "I will. I do trust you Eddie, but I don't trust him. Be careful, I just have this gut feeling and..."

"I know, I do too, but trust me," Eddie said again. "And..." Eddie began to kiss Jamie's jaw and neck. "Make love to me...please..."

Eddie didn't have to ask twice. Jamie scooped her up into his arms and stood in one motion. That night he was going to make sure he left his mark, she was his, not Ray Langley's, not anyone else's but his.

As Jamie worked his magic on Eddie's body with lips, hands, and eyes, Eddie sighed. This was her favorite role. She was an officer, a daughter, a friend...but this, being Jamie's lover was her favorite role, it was where she felt whole and complete.

Basking in the afterglow, Eddie playing with the small hairs on Jamie's chest, "I wonder if I'm the only one."


Jamie was confused, surely Eddie knew she was the woman that held his heart. "Eddie, you..."

"Not you, silly, I know you are faithful, I meant Langley. He's going around to all the precincts in Manhattan, how many other female officers has he gotten friendly with? I mean, I'm strong, I'm centered, I know what I need, want, and have but there might be others getting used and not knowing it."

Since Eddie's attack by Jake Singer, she was very sensitive to women being exploited. "Well," Jamie thought as he held his girl in his arms. "Why don't you ask around, discreetly and see what you can find out. If there are more women, you and me, we'll put the screws to him together."

Eddie leaned up on her elbow and smiled down at him, "No wonder we're such a good team. We think alike."

"Oh we do, do we?"

As if to prove a point, Jamie and Eddie reached and began to tickle each other at the same time.

Three nights later, Jamie carried Eddie into the apartment on his back like a coach would carry an MVP. Between the two of them, they managed to expose Sergeant Langley for the womanizing jerk he was. Jamie couldn't be prouder of Eddie, she got some female officers together and when they compared notes they thought that Ray had pressured them. It had been all her idea, then he sweetened the pot.

Earlier at Sunday dinner, he'd spoke to his father about Staten Island, hinting that Ray would be a good fit to fill a vacant position out there. Tonight, Jamie dropped the loosely veiled threat that if Ray did not request that transfer, the four wronged women would reveal his antics to their superiors. Ray Langley had messed with the wrong Reagan and the wrong Reagan girl!

Jamie let Eddie down on the sofa and dropped down beside her. "You killed it tonight," Jamie praised. "And this outfit...not one man in the room was looking at anyone but you. I thought I'd have to draw my weapon."

Jamie reached into his pocket, "You know Eddie, men look at you, men want to date you...I want to give you this..." Jamie handed Eddie a small box.


Slowly she opened the soft velvet jewelry box and sighed, "Oh Jamie..." Inside was a very small pin she could put on behind her badge or on her collar when out of uniform..."It's the Greek letter for J..." Jamie informed her. "I have this..." Jamie revealed a tiny pin on the inside of his tee shirt. Greek letter for E. We belong to each other and now..."

Eddie's lips stopped Jamie from finishing his sentence, she was touched by his gift and the way he stood up with her and the other girls that night. Jamie was her knight in shining armor and that night she was going to treat him as such.

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