Chapter 1

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"Olivia is about me isn't it?" Liv asks, turning around to face me from where she's standing in the bathroom. I was distracted, staring at her half naked back. Playing connect the dots with her freckles and wishing I would walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her and feel that smooth skin beneath my hands. So it takes me a minute to completely comprehend what she's saying. She knows. 

"I'm surprised it took you this long to figure out." I quickly reply. I try to smirk at her as if it's not a big deal but below the surface, I'm freaking out a little. How did she figure it out? I thought I was doing a good job at hiding it. 

"When did this happen? How long have you felt this way?" She asks. She's still completely confused. She sits back down on the couch next to me, careful to keep a safe distance away.

"I don't really know to be honest. But I kind of realized it myself after your accident. Liv I was so scared that you weren't going to be ok." I admit, letting my emotions take over. I reach forward and take her small hand, covering it completely in one of mine. "And when I saw that you were? I can't even explain the relief I felt."

"But that's normal. We've always been friends." She reminds me. There's something about the tone of her voice. It's almost patronizing. I can tell she doesn't believe me. 

"This was more than that though. These feelings I have for you, they're more than friend feelings." I try to convince her. I clasp her hand a little tighter but it seems to make her finally realize that I'm holding it. She pulls away quickly, her mood changing completely.

"How do you know Harry? It doesn't make any sense! I'm no supermodel. I'm not Taylor Swift or Kendall Jenner. THOSE are the kinds of girls Harry Styles has feelings for. Not plain old Olivia Spencer." She reminds me, losing her cool a little. 

"None of that matters to me! I didn't feel half of what I feel for you with any of them. This is different. I've never been in this deep. There's nothing plain or old about you. I love you, Olivia!" I practically shout at her. Now it's my turn to lose it. I'll never understand the way this girl sees herself. She's so gorgeous, turning heads everywhere she goes. But she doesn't even notice. It's maddening.

"No you don't. This is crazy! I'm with Liam. I love him. And he loves me. You can't love me too." She reminds me. I can tell she still isn't convinced. Either that or she doesn't want to believe it. 

"I know it's crazy! But it's true. I love you! I love you so much it hurts. It hurts me to my core. Those two months I spent away from you, I was miserable! All I did was think of you!" I tell her, throwing my hands up in the air, defeated. I don't know what I'm going to have to do to convince her.

"You did?" She asks and I can immediately sense a change in her tone.

"I did." I assure her. I don't even think about it but before I know it my hand is on her cheek. Based on our yelling a few minutes ago I would have thought she would pull away but instead she leans into it. "I thought about telling you. About what it would be like to be with you. What it would be like to kiss you." I don't think we've ever been this close before. I never really noticed the color of her eyes. I thought they were brown but this close I can see they're really more hazel. Golden brown with a green ring around them. I'm a little mesmerized under her intense gaze. As I talk about kissing her I can't help but brush my thumb over her full bottom lip gently.

"Harry..." She sighs softly. That sigh does it for me. Her soft voice saying my name. Her hot breath against my hand. I've lost any shred of self-control I had left. 

"I just want to try it one time. I need to try it." I interrupt her, leaning forward. I keep thinking she's going to stop me. I'm moving slow enough to give her plenty of opportunity. But she stays frozen, her eyes boring into mine. When I get close enough she closes them and I do the same. My nose brushes her cheek and I'm just about to touch my lips to hers when suddenly there's a knock at the door.

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