Chapter 28

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After Liv leaves and Harry passes out I finally have a chance to catch up on all of the information I've just received in the past hour. Liv and Harry have been hooking up for almost a month now. I can't believe I never figured it out. I knew he was still hung up on her even though he didn't talk about it. I guess it shouldn't surprise me. Harry, Liam, and Louis like to bottle their emotions up. Louis and Harry the most. There could be something bothering them for months and you'd have no idea. Liam will let them out with anger but other than that he always tries to be the big strong man. I'm not like that at all. If I'm upset, you'll know instantly. I am absolutely terrible at keeping a poker face. That's probably why everybody tends to baby me. But the thing about Harry, when he finally lets everything out it's like a nuclear explosion which we all witnessed tonight. I knew it was him the moment I saw him stumbling on the side of the road. I've been out with him enough to know exactly how he walks when he's trashed. His legs are too long for his body so he tends to trip over them, trying to move too fast when his brain can't keep up. I am surprised to see the bottle of whiskey in his hand. He hasn't had whiskey in years because of what happened with Gemma's old boyfriend. He'll drink beer when he goes out with us or even wine at home but whiskey has become off limits. He swore he would never drink it again because he hated who he became with it.

I had no idea what was going on. I had no idea he had even left Lexie's parent's house. I was too involved in spending time with her family to babysit him. He likes to go off and do his own thing so I usually don't worry about it. I now immediately regret that decision. Once we stopped and picked him up, I was trying to get the story on what happened but listening to his babbling only had me more confused. I was surprised Lexie wasn't interrogating him more. Why wasn't she as confused as I was? He was making no sense at all. I heard the mumbles and groans leave her mouth when Harry dropped the bomb about him and Liv, I immediately became enraged. When we were fighting just over a month ago we made a promise that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other. I learned my lesson when I didn't tell her about Liv's decision to move in with Liam. Lexie was so pissed. I know it was mostly directed at Liv but she definitely wasn't happy with me either. How could Lexie keep something this important from me? I felt betrayed. But I realized I couldn't focus on that right at that moment. I had drunk Harry to deal with. I put it at the back of my brain in the moment because I needed to figure out how in the hell this happened. I was supposed to be keeping an eye on Harry making sure he didn't cross that line with Liv. I was keeping an eye on him. How did he slip past me?

Getting Harry into the car was a challenge in itself but getting him through the lobby of the hotel past security as well as dozens of hotel guests and staff is even worse. He's tall and now that he's been putting in those extra sessions with Mark he's getting really built. He used to be pretty lanky and thin like me but now he's bigger than Liam even. I can't help but wish I could put on weight like that but I just can't hold onto it. It would definitely help in this situation. We have to get him upstairs without anyone noticing how wasted he is. If it gets out it would become a huge story and we'd all get our asses kicked. After everything that's happened this year, we can't afford to step one inch out of line. I just want to get him to his bed so he can pass out. I've seen this all before, he just needs some sleep. But he's relentless and wants to see Liv. I can't believe he's threatening to tell Liam but I guess that just shows how completely mad he's gone. I wasn't going to let it happen so when Lexie volunteers to go fetch Liv I'm shocked. But I guess that just goes along with the theme of the day. This whole situation has me feeling completely dumbfounded. How could my little Livvy be capable of something like this? I had no clue she even knew how Harry felt, let alone that she letting him act on it. I really can't believe she would cheat on Liam like that. I've always rooted for those two. They've had their issues in that past, there's no doubt about that but I thought they were in a good place. But evidently they weren't if she was sleeping with Harry behind his back. It really makes me wonder if Liv isn't quite the girl I thought she was. At least she isn't the girl she was when I first met her. I hate to admit it but it makes me question Lexie too. If Liv can flip a switch like this who's to say Lexie wouldn't too?

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