Hunter's battle

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Now that Lincoln was being controlled by Scarlet, he had to act like nothing was wrong. Lincoln continued to do what he normally did and no one seemed to notice Lincoln's change in personality, everyone except Aqua that is.
It had only been a few hours after the mission to find Scarlet that Aqua noticed how quiet Lincoln had become. She went to Skye to see if she noticed anything different about him. "Hey Skye," Aqua said as she entered the lounge area on the bus. Skye was eating a snack as she typed on her laptop, probably still trying to find Scarlet if Aqua had to take a guess. "Hey, what's up?" Skye replied. "Well... have you noticed anything unusual about Lincoln?" Aqua asked.
"He has been very quiet and by himself, why?"
"I noticed that too and he never has acted like that before. Now that I think about it he started acting really strange after the mission earlier."
"You're right. I wonder if something happened that he didn't tell us about? Either that or he could be just in a mood, you never know," said Skye to tell Aqua she might just be imagining it. "Ya, you might be right," Aqua said reluctantly then left the lounge to see Hunter wondering if he had any ideas about Lincoln.
Usually Hunter was in the training room working out by himself, but today he was practicing his kick boxing with none other than his girlfriend Bobbie Morse. Bobbie was kicking Hunter's butt which was not as surprise to Aqua. She watched as Hunter swung at Bobbie,  who dodged his attack then landed some punches into Hunter's chest. Hunter fell flat onto his back, breathing heavily Bobbie held out her hand and helped him back into his feet.
     "I... think that's enough... practice for me today... love," said Hunter still trying to catch his breath. "Good, because I need to talk to you about something important," said Aqua as Hunter and Bobbie turned to notice her for the first time. "I'll leave you two to it than," Bobbie said as she gave Hunter a kiss then left the training room.
     "What's the matter?" Hunter asked skeptical about what she had to say. "I was wondering if you had noticed anything unusual about Lincoln after the mission?" Aqua replied.
     "Well he has been awfully quiet which is not like him and I did just see him in the cargo area talking to some crates, I thought he had gone looney."                 
     "Hmm... Hunter do you think you could go spy on him and see what he's up to."
     "Sure," Hunter said clearly worried about Lincoln. He headed for the door, but Aqua added one more thing before he left. "Please report to me anything you find." "Yes Director Aqua," Hunter said in a sarcastic tone.
     Hunter maneuvered his way down the halls toward the cargo area. He entered swiftly, but made sure not to make a sound. The cargo area was full of boxes and crates, Hunter couldn't see Lincoln right away so he had to find him in the crate maze. He turned so many corners and changed directions so many times he didn't know which way he was going.
Hunter rounded a giant crate to see the man he was looking for, Lincoln. He seamed to be talking to someone, but he couldn't tell who it was. Hunter inched closer and closer, being extra cautious not to be heard. "Thanks for the information, now we need to move in on the rest of your team," said a female voice. Hunter recognized the voice, but he couldn't place it.
     "Who should be my next victim?" The woman wondered aloud. "How about Bobbi she could be quite useful to us," Lincoln suggested.  "Yes I think your right." That was it. Hunter had enough, there was no way anyone was going to hurt his Bobbi and get away with it. Hunter took out his gun and jumped out from his hiding place. "Stop right there!" That was when he saw her, "Your Scarlet, aren't you?"  "Very smart this one is," Scarlet replied.
     "I think he will do just fine," said Scarlet. Then without any warning Lincoln used his electric manipulation powers to zap Hunter so hard he passed out from the shock. Once Hunter opened his eyes Lincoln had tied his hands behind his back and taken his gun. "What do you want?!" Hunter demanded to Scarlet.
     Scarlet gave a sinister grin before answering his question, "I am going to control you so you can do my bidding. The first thing I want you to do is go to your girlfriend so I can control her."You know villains that reveal there plan never prevail," said Hunter in his British accent. "We'll see about that," said Scarlet as she turned her eyes into a creepy white like she did when she was taking control of Lincoln.
     Hunter felt her presence in his mind her tried to fight her which only agitated Scarlet even more. "No, I won't... hurt... Bobbi..." Then Hunter couldn't fight her any more Scarlet was now the master of everything he did. He couldn't think or control his body anymore, it was like being trapped in your body and not being able to control it.
     "Now go find Bobbi and bring her to me," said Scarlet. Lincoln unbound Hunter and gave him back his gun, before leaving she added one more thing, "Oh and I want her alive." "Yes love," Hunter said as he left the room to find Bobbi.

Note: 500 views!!! Thx to all my fans who support me. Sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter, I've been really busy. I hope you liked it. Please comment any ideas or thought you might have on my story. Hopefully I will get the next part up sooner.

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