Part 10

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Oh, Joel,

Why am I writing this? Poor Slovarek, executed because he showed us some kindness. Condemned for thinking that we should have a chance of being together again. Slaughtered because he tried to help us.

Do you think they know our names? They obviously know that he was carrying messages backwards and forwards. Why else would they have stood him against the wire to be shot? There was nothing in our letters that was a threat to anyone. They were nothing more than a way for us to keep our hopes up of being together again. And now, as before, we have brought about the death of an innocent man.

The conscious ones out here have been staring and pointing at me. I can feel the hostility flowing out from them. Kate and I are not going to the spring now, and are not looking for plants. We have a bottle of water to share while we wait for you as near to the wire as we dare.

Kate does not know what you look like but is watching for anyone running towards the wire. I am constantly scanning backwards and forwards for a glimpse of your dear face. At a glance I will be off to you. We will be together again. We will! I have never been more sure of anything than I am of that.

Yours forever, Amber.

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