Chapter One: Kurt

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Notice: Hello new readers! (Or rereaders. You never know.) Just letting you know that this story is undergoing a huge edit right now! If you notice a sudden shift in tone of this story, it's because I haven't edited those parts yet! The early chapters of this story are over a year old and they need refreshing as far as writing and details of the characters regarding the show. But keep reading, nevertheless! I end this one strong. xx Ally


There are millions of love songs out there. Probably even more. And out of the millions of songs, I have yet to find a single one that sums up all I've been feeling. And believe me, I have searched long and hard. Some songs seem to come really close. They might capture the emotion, the feel, or the intensity the perfect love song should contain. But I can never find all three, together in one perfect love ballad. I need to find that one song that will let him know precisely how much I do love him, how much he's changed me recently, exactly what I'd do for him. I want to not only tell him that he is my everything, I want to sing it. Sing it from the mountaintops for all the world to hear!

Kurt Hummel is madly in love with Blaine Anderson!

But for now, just saying it will have to suffice.

"I love you," I whispered into Blaine's ear, my lips hovering at his neck. When there was no immediate response, I backed away slightly playful smile. I studied the expression on Blaine's face. I was surprised to see that it was nearly unchanged, but my eyes detected the corner of his lips lift up into an almost-smile, and then drop down again. Huh.

"Love you too, Kurt," he said halfheartedly (an when was an "I love you" form Blaine halfhearted?), his eyes still locked on our old television set blaring last week's episode of Idol that we had missed. The thing is, Blaine is my idol, but sometimes I simply don't understand him in the least. Especially recently...

It was our first time seeing each other since school got out. Our last day at McKinley was the previous week, but for some reason Dalton didn't get out until yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see or talk to Blaine at all for that entire week, which killed me inside. This was partly because of the fact that Blaine was swamped with studying for final exams, and partly because I spent the week in Columbus with my dad, Finn, and Carole. It was a fun time, but of course, I found myself missing Blaine. Anyways, to celebrate both the freedom of the summer and our reunion, I invited Blaine over to just hang out and relax, which was just what the both of us needed. Spending time with each other was what kept our relationship afloat.

Tonight, however, I noticed that Blaine seemed distracted, distant, and quiet. These traits were not at all like my boyfriend's (get used to that word because I love it to pieces and will most likely overuse it) usual personality. Something was up, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. I somewhat patiently waited until the next commercial break before I spoke up.

"What's up, Blaine? You've been kinda quiet," I said, reaching out to grab Blaine's hand while turning down the volume of the television set on the remote on the coffee table with my big toe. Blaine straightened up some and glanced at me briefly, enough to catch my concerned look. He squeezed my hand, trailing his thumb along my knuckle softly, his lips curling up into a smile.

"Oh, really? I'm sorry, Kurt. I'm just really exhausted. Long week, you know? Final exams and all," Blaine dismissed, staring intently at my hands. Not knowing what else to do, I nodded slowly.

"You know you can tell me anything, Blaine, right?" I said, after a beat. "I mean, I am your boyfriend," I said, smiling lightly at the use of my new favorite word.

"Honestly, Kurt! I'm fine!" he laughed, but it seemed forced. "Why the sudden interest?"

"You know... I haven't seen you in a week and you seem to be ignoring me..." I let go of his hand and tucked my legs in close to me, giving them a tight hug. "I mean, you've been here all of five hours and you haven't even given me a kiss..." I felt my cheeks flush and I looked away. In retrospect, it was odd for me to say that out loud. That would normally be the type of comment that I would keep to myself and analyze later, but in the moment, it just slipped out.

Unexpectedly, Blaine's hand touched my face, turning it towards him with a gentle guided push. I managed to catch a glimpse of his gorgeous hazel eyes before his lips were lightly pressed up against mine. It was quick and sweet. Just enough to assure me that this was right. We were right. And we were.

"Never doubt my love for you..." he whispered as we parted, and my heart just about melted. I wanted to lean in and kiss him again, and for a moment I thought that he wanted that too, but his eyes flickered to the television, where it was obvious that Idol had come back on, so I reluctantly retreated. I turned up the volume just enough so we could both hear it, again with my foot, and continued watching the program, this time with me cuddled up against my boyfriend, his hands idly playing with my hair. Before the hour was over, I was fast asleep on Blaine's shoulder, right where I belonged. 

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