Chapter Six: Blaine

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Trigger Warning: Violence and homophobia.

"Excuse me, what did you just call us?" I began, letting the door to the polar bear exhibit slam shut. I spun around to face the source of the voice, only letting go of Kurt’s hand for a second, which was growing colder as I clutched onto it. There were three boys glaring at Kurt and I, one of which I would recognize anywhere.

"Blaine, just let it go. We don't want to cause trouble," Kurt hissed into my ear, his voice quivering. I could tell that Kurt was terrified. And if I was being completely honest with myself, I was, too.

"Miss me, Blaine?" the boy in the middle chimed, the condescending smirk practically visible in his voice. Memories from a terrifying night in eighth grade flashed through my mind. No, this was a face that I most definitely did not miss.

"Blaine, what's going on?" Kurt's voice was panicked. I wanted to reply to him. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him that it would be alright. I wanted to tell him to have courage. But I couldn't. Words simply couldn’t find their way out of my mouth. I was speechless in the worst of ways.

Before I could do anything about it, the three teenage boys surrounded us, and we were pressed up against the wall, Kurt clinging to my arm like a lifeline.

"Is this your little boyfriend, Blaine?" said the largest of the three, the one who I knew all too well. Luke.


"Yeah, as a matter of fact, he is,” I said, without missing a beat. I did my best to ignore the snickers. “What are you doing here, Luke?"


Luke and the other two boys stepped closer to us, and I felt Kurt's grip tighten.

"Who are these people?" Kurt's voice quivered even more than before, and I could feel his body shaking. I couldn't deny that mine was starting to shake as well. Courage.

"I knew Luke at my old high school. He was one of those kids I told you about. The ones that beat me up at that dance," I said it loudly, making sure Luke and his friends could hear every word with perfect clarity. Kurt let go of my hand, touching it to his face as his mouth hung open in shock. At that point, I could only watch as Luke and his friend closed in on us even more.

"Yeah, fags, and we'll do it again," growled one of Luke's companions. I'd recognized him from my old school, but couldn't quite remember his name. His hands were clenched into fists, raised high so they were clearly in our vision, ready to strike. Courage.

"Don't you dare touch him,” I hissed, putting as much venom into every word as I could muster. “I don't care what you do to me, but if you so much as lay a finger on him, I swear to God..."

"Cute. So what if we do? What are you going to do about it? Send your little private school fairies over to sprinkle us with magic gay pixie dust?" To prove their point, Luke reached out his hand and gave Kurt a light shove. Kurt stumbled back helplessly, bumping into my shoulder.  Courage.

Before I could convince myself otherwise, I found myself punching Luke square in the face with just about all of my strength.

"Blaine!" Kurt gasped. It was beginning to dawn on me what I had just done. A quick glance of the color red made my knees wobble, and I was suddenly afraid I was going to pass out.

Luke covered his face with his hand, stumbling backwards. The other two boys looked entirely shocked. However, it didn't take long for the shock to turn into confusion, and the confusion to morph into anger.

"You little shit," the taller of the two mumbled. Courage.

"You can't touch him. You can't touch us, or what we have."

"Do you wanna bet, Anderson?" the shorter one with the noticeably larger arms said, stepping even closer. Courage.

I turned to Kurt, and spoke quietly, with urgency. "You need to run. Find Ava. I'll be there in a bit."

"Blaine, I'm not leaving you here to-" I cut him off.

"These are my classmates, they're my business. I don't want you getting hurt."

"It's too late for that. You're both going down," Luke said, wiping the blood on his hands on Kurt's jacket.

Kurt froze. I remembered him making a note to me about this outfit this morning. Kurt had said that it was his favorite outfit he owned. He reminded me it was the outfit he had worn the day he and I met. Clear as day, I remember fiddling with the collar that day, telling Kurt that he should have remembered his uniform. Something in the back of my mind told me he wasn't really a new at Dalton. It was kind of obvious. Lack of uniform aside, his “deer caught in headlights” expression gave it away. If it was anybody other than Kurt, we probably would have been upset at him for his attempt at spying, however unsuccessful. But even from the start, there was something about Kurt that had caught my attention. He was truly special.

Seeing this outfit now, one that was so special not only to Kurt, but to the both of us, covered in the blood of a homophobic teenager... I saw that something snapped inside of Kurt. He wasn't going to let this slide.

"What is the matter with you?" he screamed, his voice filled with more venom than I thought possible. "What makes you think you can come here and torment us, when we did absolutely nothing to hurt you?!"

"You girls did hurt me! Look at my face!" Luke screamed, motioning to his nose that was still gushing blood. I grabbed Kurt's wrist.

"Kurt, please, go get Ava. I'll take care of them."

"No, Blaine, I'm not letting you do this alone." Kurt shook his hand out of my grip and tried to address Luke again. "You are an ignorant, narrow-minded asshole. You don't understand us. You couldn’t possibly fathom how two guys can love each other, even when its just love, the simplest thing. So, you choose to torment us and beat us up instead of getting to know us, what any human being with any amount of decency would try to do. You need to stop, all of you!"

Kurt was entirely right in my eyes. But not in theirs.

"This little shit is gonna get it!" the shorter boy said, pounding his fist in his hand, the three of them closing in on Kurt and leaving me out.

"Oh, God," Kurt murmured. I tried to push through to Kurt, but it was no use. I couldn't see Kurt, but I could hear him. I heard a punch and then a scream of pain, a moment of silence, followed by another scream. In a panic, I tried to tackle down the boys from the back, but I just couldn't do anything. I wasn’t strong enough. I felt my heart completely stop beating when Kurt's cries of pain became less and less frequent, and eventually, stopped altogether.

"What did you do to him?" I yelled, with all my voice had to offer. The three of them turned around to face me, and I saw the mangled red body of my boyfriend on the pavement of the zoo, lying there helplessly.

"You're next, Anderson. Think of it as round two. You up for it?" Luke said, with a disgusting smirk that made me want to throw up. I couldn't speak. The best I could do was to let out a strangled sob. I couldn't scream, I couldn't run. All I could do is accept the punches given to me with all the courage I could muster.

The blows were hard. They hit my body with all the force that I could only dream of producing myself. It hurt me a lot, physically, but that pain couldn’t even compare to the pain of knowing that Kurt was lying unconscious next to me. I had tried to protect Kurt from this. It was why he transferred to Dalton. It was a safe place where we could conquer the bullies of the world together. But the truth of the matter is that the second we stepped off campus, we weren’t safe. We could never be safe in the real world, as long as people like Luke and Karofsky existed. No amount of courage could protect us.

Eventually, I joined Kurt in a state of unconsciousness, and the three boys left us behind the exhibit, where only the staff ever wander. I knew we'd be there for awhile.   

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