Chapter Twenty-Five: Kurt

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New York was... everything. It was everything I could have dreamed of and more. I didn’t even think it was possible to have a better time than I did during Nationals, but I was so wrong. This time, we didn’t have the added on stress of the competition, and we had total freedom. Plus, I had so much better company. No offence to Rachel and Mercedes and the rest of the gang... but Blaine and Ava are the best travel mates a guy could ask for. 

The whole trip was perfect. The funny thing is that the reason it was perfect wasn’t even the fact that we saw Wicked or the museum or any of the other landmarks we visited. Although that was all thoroughly perfect too. No, the reason it was perfect was the company I had. I got to learn more about Ava, who I have definitely grown to adore more than I can say. We really formulated what I'm sure will become a lifelong friendship. 

And I even got a chance to learn more about Blaine. This surprised me even. Well, two months ago, I would have told you I knew everything there was to know about my boyfriend. Well, I was obviously very wrong. But even with those big boulders out of the way, I still found myself noticing little things about Blaine. Just in the way he acted. The way he stretches his legs and curls his toes when he wakes up. How when he laughs too much he starts taking in lots of air and coughing adorably. And his hair... I've gotten to know his gel-free head very well since he stopped wearing it this week. All of his curls... The interesting thing is how I couldn't memorize them if I tried. Not only are there so many of them, they are constantly changing and reforming. I could run my fingers through them forever. 

We got home in the early morning hours on the next Friday after we had left, just as the sun was starting to tint the sky warm colors. It was agreed that Ava could crash at my house, since she would definitely be too tired to drive back to Westerville. So Blaine took the couch, Ava took the guest room, and I crashed in my bed. 

We didn't wake up until past noon the next day. We were greeted with hugs and kisses from Carole, warm smiles from my dad, and only a trillion questions from Finn. We told them all every detail over brunch, although we left out the part about Blaine's mom. Of course, we would have to tell my dad eventually, but not today. Because this day was a day to forget all of that, and just reminisce on what had been an overall flawless week. 

When Ava drove home later that evening, Blaine and I found ourselves wanting a night to just relax. We were up in my room (door wide open, to obey my father's orders), Blaine silently laying on my bed, staring into the ceiling, and me, flipping through the latest Vogue silently. It was quiet, but contently so. We didn't have a pressing need to speak, so we simply didn't, and everything was fine. More than fine, finally.

The silence was broken by Blaine, who had abruptly sat up, shaking the bed ever so slightly and breaking me out of the trance that I had found myself engulfed in.


"Yeah, baby?" I replied, looking up from my magazine to see Blaine shifting uncomfortably at the foot of my bed. I watched him carefully as he took in a sharp breath. 

"I want to sing you a song. I've been thinking a lot about you lately. About us. Especially after all that's happened. And I've been looking for a song that would tell you how I feel about us. And I found one. And I wanted to sing it for you. If it's okay with you, of course."

"Of course it's okay with me." I said, hoping my smile didn't give away too much of what I was feeling. What I was feeling was... Everything. This boy--this lovely, perfect, talented, amazing boy--wanted to sing me a song. I didn't even know what he was going to sing, and I was already in tears. 

"Great. Um. My guitar is in the guest room. I'll go... grab it." Blaine stuttered nervously as he stood up and dashed off to the guest room, which was just next door. He appeared a few seconds later with his Taylor guitar (which had been a joint birthday present from me and the rest of the Warblers) clutched in his hands. I gave him my best and sweetest smile as he nervously settled himself on a chair next to my bed, his guitar resting on his knee and his eyes locked to mine. He started strumming and my smile widened as I recognized the song. His voice started in soft, and my heart melted, feeling every word.

"If you were falling, then I would catch you.

You need a light, I'd find a match.

Cause I love the way you say good morning.

And you take me the way I am."

Blaine seemed more comfortable now. With the song, with himself, with me. It was something that seemed to hit me full force as he was singing. Just how normal he seemed. I couldn't help but compare the to the broken Blaine I had gotten to know just a few weeks earlier. It was almost like an out of body experience, realizing it. And I couldn't have been more proud of my boyfriend.

"If you are chilly, here take my sweater.

Your head is aching, I'll make it better.

Cause I love the way you call me baby.

And you take me the way I am."

And then came the second realization. Listening to the words of this song more than ever, and remembering how he said he had thought about what song would express his thoughts the most. Blaine loved me. Really loved me. Because I loved him. I was definitely crying at this point. I wanted to interrupt Blaine right then and there and kiss him and tell him how much I love him. That yes, I will take him the way he is now and forever. I loved him when he was a dapper, popular Warbler. I loved him when he was a scared, broken boy hiding from his father. And I love him now. When he is one hundred percent, totally mine. 

"I'd buy you Rogaine when you start losing all your hair.

Sew on patches to all you tear.

Cause I love you more than I could ever promise.

And you take me the way I am.

You take me the way I am.

You take me the way I am."

Blaine gave on final strum before he looked up at me with his wide, adorable eyes, searching for some sort of reaction from me. I  let out a breathy laugh before standing up and wobbling over to him to kiss him full on the lips. Blaine was smiling into my mouth as picked up his guitar and set it to his left. He maneuvered me onto his lap, our mouths still connected and moving in a steady unison.

I wrapped my arms around Blaine's neck, running my fingers through his hair in a moment of pure bliss. Blaine smiled again before deepening the kiss, our faces finding themselves as close as physically possible. I was surprised, pleasantly so, to find Blaine's tongue flick out to my closed lips, which I opened in response. Soon our tongues were dancing together, fighting for dominance in our desperate need to be close to each other. 

The realization that oxygen was sort of needed was one that I always hated to come upon. But of course, breathing is a sort of necessity, so I had to be the first to pull away eventually. My breath was heavy as I whispered to Blaine, whose lips were now puffy and swollen from our display of affection. 

"I'll always take you exactly the way you are, Blaine. I love you so much. Everything about you. You are perfect. You are amazing. You are mine." 

"Yours," Blaine mumbled, kissing me fiercely again. "All yours. Forever."

"Forever," I mumbled back. And it was a promise.  

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