Chapter Fourteen: Blaine

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Chapter 14: Blaine               

For the second time in one week, I woke up with Kurt by my side. Except this time, I was laying down, my head resting on Kurt's thighs. Kurt had apparently woken up before me, which did make sense, because it meant that my mind was getting used to summer mornings. I'd be sleeping in and Kurt would remain an early riser. Kurt noticed my stirring and I was immediately comforted by his hands stroking my un-gelled curls.               

"Good morning," he whispered to me, and my heart felt like it had imploded. I loved the way he said that. It made me want to wake up next to him and have him whisper that into my ear every morning. At that moment, I made a promise to myself that I would make that happen. I loved Kurt more than anything. He'd helped me through the worst of times- especially this past week. He'd seen me cry, seen me laugh, seen me make mistakes, seen me succeed... Kurt really did have one hundred percent of me. And because of that, I never wanted to let him go.               

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" I pondered this for a minute. A light grumble in my stomach confirmed that I hadn't eaten in more than twenty-four hours, so I nodded weakly.               

"Can you make me crepes" Kurt chucked softly, the first real laugh I've heard from him in awhile. I smiled.               

"Yes, I can make you crepes. But I don't know how much syrup we have left. I'm pretty sure that between you and Finn last time, we're almost out."              

"Then I can wait here patiently while you go to the store to buy me some more."              

"Pretty demanding, now, aren't we, Blaine? I don't know what I'm getting myself into."               

"You'd do it because you love me," I teased, nuzzling my face into Kurt's stomach.               

"All too true," he replied. He continued to stroke my hair. It felt really good. Kurt knew me so well. "I'd do anything for you, Blaine."               

"And vice versa, love," Kurt smirked at me. "What?"               

"Just... you called me "love"."               


"It just sounded funny."               

"You don't like it?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.               

"I never said that," he whispered in my ear. It took every bit of self control not to kiss him senseless.  

"Um... Crepes?" I said, trying to change the subject because when Kurt acted like this, I couldn't concentrate on anything. His joking smirk made my vision blur and my thought  process jumbled up.               

"You still want them even if there is not syrup?"               

"Wait, you're not getting some for me?" I asked, giving Kurt my very best puppy dog face.               

"Fine, I think the super market is open now. Do you want to come with me?" I debated it for a second. I wanted to go with Kurt. I didn't want to be alone. But I tried to sit up and I got a very painful reminder of what happened last night. I winced in pain, clutching my ribcage tightly. "Oh, God. No, you're staying here, baby. I'll be back in twenty minutes. I'll just tell my dad where I'm going."               

Kurt wiggled out from underneath me, replacing his legs with a couch cushion. My head sunk down in it immediately, and I was suddenly depressed at the loss of Kurt.               

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