Chaper Nineteen: Kurt

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In retrospect, I should have known that convincing Blaine that he needed to go out with his friends and have some fun before we left for New York wasn't one of the best ideas I've had recently. Especially considering that I knew exactly what Nick and Jeff's idea of fun included. Also, the fact that he was still recovering from a major rib injury should have been some sort of warning against it... But for whatever reason, Blaine went out with his guy friends on Friday night.

I'd seen Blaine drunk on only one occasion. The first Rachel Berry House Party Train Wreck Extravaganza. And in case you can't remember how that went down... Blaine spent half the time eating Rachel's face and the other half marveling about how incredibly tall Finn was. But I figured that if he did go out to drink, he'd be with good company, so he'd be perfectly fine.

I kind of forgot that it was Nick and Jeff we were talking about.

I started getting worried when I started to get some funnily worded texts from Blaine...

"Kart guess what I love young and jeff said hiiiiii..."

Well, first of, he spelled my name wrong. Which I didn't even get, because the U and the A key aren't even near each other. He added a random "ng" at the end of you... And it definitely wasn't the type of text I'd usually get from Blaine. I typed up a response with quickly, noting my perfect spelling and grammar.

"I should have known that making you go out with Nick and Jeff would be a bad idea. Looks like autocorrect and drunken typing has gotten the best of you."

I got a reply about five minutes later.

"Baby baby baby I live you. Come drank with us itll road so much"

I assumed that that text meant that Blaine loved me and he wanted me to join them in drinking. Now that was something that I definitely did not want to do.

"Uh, no thank you. Alcohol and me don't mix. If you recall the Pixy Stix incident... Even worse than that."



I tucked my phone away in my pocket before burying my face in my pillow. I was honestly exhausted. It had been the longest couple of weeks, and I just wanted to sleep, but now I was getting all of these cryptic texts from Blaine, and I couldn't help but be worried. Honestly, my sense of judgment can be rather warped sometimes.

I was kind of shocked when I heard my phone ring. At first I assumed it was Blaine drunk dialing me, but it wasn't his ringtone (Teenage Dream, what else?) that was playing. It was just my regular default ringtone (Defying Gravity, what else?). I picked up my phone and looked at the screen to see that it was Nick calling me. And that is when I knew something had gone wrong, because Blaine had told me that Nick was supposed to be the designated driver. I slid my thumb across the screen and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello, this is Kurt," I said softly, knowing that Dad and Carole were asleep just down the hall.

"Hey, Kurt?" Yes, this was definitely Nick's voice. Unfortunately, I did pick up on a certain tone in his voice. Worried, overwhelmed...

"Nick? What's up?"

"Hi, Kurt. Um... So Blaine... he... um..." Immediately my heart stopped. I knew this was a bad idea... well, actually, I didn't until after he left, but still...

"What's wrong with Blaine? Is he okay? Oh my gosh, is he hurt?" I couldn't withhold the tone of panic in my voice.

"No, no. Nothing like that." I sighed in relief. "He's just... well... can you please come help me with him? He and Jeff are pretty drunk and I can't handle both of them. They're starting to plan an elaborate three person flash mob... and I just can't..."

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