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October, 2016

“Eggs, Blaine. We need eggs.”

“Kurt, we have eggs. Plenty of them. We definitely don’t need more.”

Kurt and Blaine stood in the middle of a crowded aisle of the local grocery store. People were all around, trying to get their shopping over and done with, Kurt and Blaine included. It was a Sunday afternoon. Most kids had school the next day, so parents were stocking up on lunch materials. Kurt hated this place at this time of day, but unfortunately, it was the only day this week that Kurt and Blaine weren’t totally swamped with work. So here they were. Arguing about eggs.

“Yes, Blaine. We do need more egs. I’m making crepes for Rachel, Finn, and Barbara when they visit on Tuesday,” Kurt explained, his voice calm, yet rigid.

“Are you going to make a whole army of crepes?” Blaine rose his voice. Kurt’s cheeks turned pink, beginning to bubble with anger as he snapped back a response.

“We don’t have enough in the kitchen! I checked before we came! And I promised Barbara that-”

Kurt paused mid-sentence and looked up. Blaine did the same. They both listened closely to the little radio system that was providing the grocery store with tasteful background music. It was a tune that they both immediately recognized.

‘Cause I love you more than I could ever promise
And you take me the way I am.”

“You know, you’re right. I think we have plenty of eggs at home to make crepes on Tuesday.” Kurt said with a growing smile.

“No, you’re right. We should get the eggs. And besides, the worst that happens is we have a couple extra.”

“You know...” Kurt said slowly, his eyes locked with Blaine’s as the music trickled through their ears. “I could always come back and do the shopping before the show tomorrow.”

Blaine nodded quickly, their gaze never faltering in intensity. Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand, leaning in to give Blaine a quick peck on the cheek before all but running to the front of the store to put his empty cart away.

The pair barely made it to their car before Kurt was grabbing Blaine’s collar and kissing him fiercely. Blaine grinned as he kissed back, not resisting as he was practically shoved into the backseat.

The door slammed, and groceries were very quickly forgotten. They were where they needed to be.

“And you take me the way I am...”


August, 2034

“Daddy, I’m bored...” a twelve-year-old Toronto whined.

It was a typical summer Saturday in the Hummel-Anderson household. Kurt was fussing over the final details in some important sketch he had to finish for work on the dining room table, and Blaine was doing the dishes over in the  kitchen. Sixteen-year-old Nessarose was in the living room, which was directly next to the dining room where Kurt sat, seated across one cushion of the sofa, her legs dangling off the edge. She held her cellphone above her head as she typed furiously, most likely yet another text to her best friend (and actually, cousin) Barbara Hudson. And Toronto was found in the epitome of boredom. He was sprawled out on his belly on the living room rug, looking much like a starfish the way his arms and legs were stretched out.

Kurt looked up from his sketch at the sound of his son’s voice.

“Surely there is something productive you can be doing. Well, certainly something more productive than lying on the floor.”

“No, there’s not. It’s summer, Dad.”

“Is your room clean?” Blaine called from the kitchen.

“Yes, Papa, I cleaned it yesterday, remember? After I got into that fight with Nessa.” Nessarose looked up from her phone at the sound of her name, but only for a second.

“Well, why don’t you pop in a movie or something.” Kurt exhaled, adding a couple lines to a sketch of a jacket.

“I’ve already seen all of them,” Toronto whined.

“Show them Moulin Rouge!” Blaine suggested, finishing up the dishes and walking into the dining room with Kurt. “Toronto should be old enough.”

“What’s that?” Nessa dropped her phone and looked over at her fathers.

“Oh, it’s my favorite movie!” Kurt was clearly getting excited. “It’s about... well... It would sound bad if I explained it.”

“It’s about an English kid in France who falls in love with a courtesan, but then she dies.” Blaine cut in.

“You can’t give away the ending!” Kurt squeaked, his drawing forgotten as he stood and walked into the living room with Blaine.

“He says she dies within the first five minutes of the movie! It’s no secret!”

“Well, now you ruined that emotional moment when you find out!” They were shouting now, and Nessa and Toronto sat back and watched, each with amused smirk playing on their faces.

“It doesn’t impact the emotional moment when she actually dies, so what does it matter?”

“Dad, Papa, stop it.” Nessarose snapped. A lot of the times, she felt like she was the only civil one in the family. “Let’s watch the movie and we’ll feel whatever feels we want to feel whenever we want to feel them.”

Kurt sighed and walked to the set of shelves with all of their DVDs on them, searching for the disk briefly before pulling it out with a grin.

“I don’t think I’ve seen this movie in... maybe five or six years.” Kurt smiled.

Kurt popped the disc into the player and settled down on the middle couch cushion next to Nessarose, waving for Blaine to come sit next to him. Toronto got up from the floor and positioned himself next to Blaine.

Nessa and Toronto exchanged a confused look as a tiny conductor started thrashing about during the opening credits, but didn’t comment. All the while Kurt and Blaine sat upright and attentive, excited to finally watch their favorite movie with their children.

At some point during the movie, Kurt’s hand found Blaine’s, and their fingers interlocked. Moulin Rouge! was always an important part of their relationship, especially after Kurt had sang Come What May to Blaine all those years ago. They had even used Ewan McGreggor’s version of “Your Song” as the first dance of their wedding. So by the time Christian was singing “Come What May” to Satine, both Kurt and Blaine were emotional wrecks.

Nessarose and Toronto looked at their parent’s weirdly, but after over a decade of being raised by them, they weren’t necessarily phased. They both tried to focus on the movie.

Listen to my heart can you hear it sing
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time.”

And Kurt and Blaine sat there, fingers intertwined with their children on either side of them, a real family, as the words sunk in yet again. 

"Come what may, I will love you until my dying day."

A/N: It’s finished. Oh, goodness gracious finally it’s finished. I’ve been working on this story for about a year, did you know that? And since then... Since then I’ve gained so much support and fans and... Wow. Um... thank you?

This epilogue was definitely my favorite part to write. Mostly because it wasn’t in first person (why did I even DO that I mean seriously). It has my headcanon Klaine kids... Nessarose Elizabeth and Toronto William... I have lots more of them in my Klaine shorts, so check them out! Um... more info on them... Nessa is Kurt’s biologically and her mother was Ava. Toronto is Blaine’s and I’m still not sure who his mother is but a part of me wants it to be Santana. They are both precious angels.

Anyway, thanks again for all your support. I’m definitely not done writing. If you don’t know, I have tons and tons of works in progress right now that I’m definitely not abandoning. So... until next time! xoxo Ally

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