Chapter Three: Kurt

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"Oh my God, Kurt! These taste amazing!" Rachel mused, barely audible through her mouthful of crepes.

"Yeah, dude! They're like... way better than pancakes!" added Finn enthusiastically, his mouth also full. I rolled my eyes at the both of them.

"Of course they're better than pancakes! They're crepes." I pointed out, cutting up a particularly thin crepe with the side of my fork. My eyes flickered over to Blaine to the right of me. He certainly kept quiet, occasionally drenching a small bit of crepe in syrup and then chewing it slowly, almost pained. I noticed that he was acting off yesterday as well-- being uncharacteristically quiet and actually avoiding conversation altogether, which is entirely unlike him. It seemed as if the whole room caught on to his somber mood, and we found ourselves caught in an awkward silence. The only sound that was heard was the clanking of forks.

Surprisingly enough, it was Blaine who broke the silence. He looked up at Finn with a polite smile, one that I had become very familiar with after the months of our platonic friendship. "Hey, Finn, can you please pass the syrup?"

"Sure, man." Finn replied, picking up the jug and passing it over to Blaine, but I quickly intercepted.

"Blaine, you have enough syrup on your plate already to drown a puppy. No more."

"You couldn't drown a puppy with this much syrup. I doubt you could drown a puppy with the whole bottle. Come on, Kurt." I gave Blaine my very best death glare, the one that I spend ten minutes a day practicing in front of my mirror every day while waiting for my third layer of moisturizer to sink in. He smiled at me. Better than silence, I suppose.

Out of nowhere, as per normal, Rachel lit up with the sudden need to speak. She turned directly towards me and began to rattle on. "Okay, so Kurt. I was talking to Mercedes yesterday, and we decided that we all need to get together. the New Directions. For a kind of... "summer's here and we all still rock" party. You in?"

I didn't have to contemplate this. It was a brilliant idea, and an awesome excuse to spend some more time with my friends, especially the ones I don't see too often outside of school. So, I was enthusiastic in my response.

"Of course! Well, only if Blaine can come, too." I said, reaching over beside me to give Blaine's knee a squeeze.

"I don't know, Kurt," Rachel drawled, a joking smile spreading on her face. "I'm just not sure if it's a good idea to invite the New Direction's only real competition..."

"Hey, Rachel! It's summer. I'm not a Warbler, I'm just Blaine," Blaine looked at Rachel with laughter in his eyes. I smiled too, more at Blaine's smile than Rachel's teasing.

"Of course you can come, Blaine," Rachel said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"In that case, I would love to attend."

Rachel rattled on about this and that for the rest of breakfast. Blaine and I were mostly silent. It was mostly because we had nothing to say, or we didn't have time to say anything because of Rachel's high speed chatter.

Rachel left a little bit after we finished eating. She said something about having to go do something with her dads, but to be perfectly honest, I wasn't exactly paying attention.

"So, Blaine. What do you feel like doing today?" I asked, as we finished clearing our plates.

"Well, first of all I want to get out of my uniform," he said, tugging at his tie. Oh. I had completely forgotten that the both of us had fallen asleep in yesterday's clothes. I was immediately embarrased, realizing that Rachel and Finn were just over to see me like this. I looked down and examined my outfit. It looked fine, which was a relief; a little disheveled, maybe. My white button-up shirt was sticking out at an odd angle underneath my grey vest, and my bowtie had gotten a bit crooked. I still needed to change though, desperately.

"Do you have any clothes I can borrow, Kurt? I forgot to pack a bag." Oh. Okay, so my boyfriend needs some clothes. My heart skipped a couple beats, but I don't really know why; he just wanted some clothes. He pulled off his blazer, and my vision was started to blur, so I turned around quickly, heading towards the stairs.

"Yeah, of course. I'm sure I have something smaller that'll fit you," I clambered up the stairs as fast as I possibly could. Conveniently, I had picked out an outfit for a moment just like this about a week after we started dating. I opened my closet and pulled out a hanger with my ankle-cut skinny jeans (which, given his height, would basically be regular jeans for him) and a purple collared t-shirt. Perfect. I turned around, closing my closet, but nearly toppled over when a grinning Blaine stood in my doorway.

"Well, it didn't take you that long to pick one out. It's almost like you had it waiting for me," he teased. I rolled my eyes, shoving the hanger in his chest, and turning back to my closet.

"You know me, always prepared. You can go ahead and get changed in the bathroom," I said, pulling my favorite outfit out of my closet as Blaine slinked away. I grinned as I remembered why I loved it so much. It was the outfit I wore the day I met Blaine. It was as close to the Dalton Academy signature blazer as I could manage out of my own closet on such short notice. I lacked the red piping and the Dalton crest, which was why I was surprised they even let me inside of the building. I am glad I did get in, though. I met Blaine. I wore this outfit whenever I'm feeling particularly sappy or when I've just been lonely and start to miss Blaine. It held some significant memories from the times before we were together. It'd been over six months since I'd met Blaine, and it'd been one crazy journey, but I was certainly glad that we were finally together and happy. But I had to admit, he'd been acting off these past few days.

I was adjusting my tie when I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it and greeted Blaine with a grin. He was wearing my outfit, and, as I predicted, he looked fantastic. The purple t-shirt I had bought just for Blaine hugged his chest in all the right places, and his jeans... Well, his jeans looked good.

"Hi," I managed. "You look great."

"Yeah, it's a nice outfit," he grinned at me. "Although, this shirt doesn't look like something you'd wear. Also, it just happens to be exactly my size."

He winked and I playfully stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, well... Do you have any plans for today?"

"Well, as a matter of fact, I do have something in mind..."

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