Chapter Twenty-One: Kurt

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"ROAD TRIP!" Ava called from outside the house. She pounded on the door so loudly, that I winced, knowing that Finn would still be asleep. It was almost nine o'clock, after all.

"Do you have all of your stuff, Blaine?" I called down the hall to my room, where Blaine was still trying to gather his stuff together. I was already at the top of the stairs, all my bags in hand. Blaine poked his head out of my room, his face strained.

"Too heavy, can I take a couple trips?"

"Heavy?" That was odd. I mean, Blaine barely had any stuff at our house, and he only really grabbed a couple things from his house before coming here. So really, he shouldn't have heavy bags... "Blaine, you barely have any stuff here. What are you taking that's so heavy?"

"I'm carrying half of your bags, Kurt."

"Oh. Well then yes, we can take multiple trips." I started to head down the stairs towards the front door, where my dad was already standing, talking to Ava.

"And if anything happens...?" Dad prompted. Ava answered in a clipped, succinct tone. This had obviously been going on for awhile.

"Call your cell, I got it."

"Dad, stop hammering Ava. We're plenty responsible. I'm a legal adult." I pointed out with a smirk.

"Don't remind me..." my dad started, before he was interrupted by Blaine's panicked voice from upstairs.

"KURT! I need help!"

"I thought I told you that you could take trips?" I called back up the stairs, loud enough that both my dad and Ava beside me winced.

"You DID. But I didn't realize how heavy your bags are!" Oh. Yeah, I had forgotten exactly how heavy they were... Hm.

"Ava, do you mind helping us?" I asked, politely. She replied with a roll of the eye as she followed me upstairs to where Blaine lay in the middle of the hallway, limbs sprawled out dramatically.

"Damn, Kurt. No. This won't all fit in the car. What, are you planning on moving there today?" I broke her eye contact, looking down and kind of shifted my weight onto my other leg. Yeah, I packed a lot. Hey, I need to! I have a lot of stuff! I mean, we were going to New York City. And if I look anything less than my best in the city of my dreams... I don't even want to think about it. "Let's get rid of some stuff."

"But-" I started.

"We need to, Kurt." Ava stepped over Blaine's body and grabbed one of my smaller bags. She picked it up and started fussing with the zipper. "Let's get rid of a bag. What's in this one?"

I bit my lip and exhaled before answering under my breath. "...scarves..."

"Okay, Kurt." Ava said calmly, breathing through her teeth. "Listen, you get to bring two scarves. The rest have to stay here."


"Two scarves." she said firmly, holding out the open bag to me. I heard Blaine snicker from where he still lay on the floor, and it took all my willpower not to kick him to get him to shut up.

"Fine. I'm only doing this because it's New York, though. This isn't some cutback on my scarf usage." I exhaled sharply and pulled out my two favorite scarves, giving Ava my very best bitch glare.

"Good. Now let's cut down on your clothes, Kurt, so we can get the hell out of here."


"SHOTGUN!" Blaine called as our group stumbled out the door with the last round of bags.

"Woah, wait a second. No. That is not fair. Blaine, who's going to keep my company in the back?" I pouted, plopping one of my suitcases in the nearly full trunk.

"We'll just be a row in front of you, Kurt. Seriously." Blaine gave me a look. I couldn't manage to tag a thought or emotion to the look. It was just a look. A very, very Blaine look.

"We're switching on the way back." I mumbled, opening the door to the backseat and sliding into the middle, placing the bags that couldn't fit into the trunk strategically on either side of me.

"Fair enough."

Ava began driving down the familiar streets, heading out of Lima. We were finally New York bound.

"Because I'm in the back, I deserve iPod rights." I said outright. It was only fair, after all.

"No. I'm driving. Music is mine." Ava snapped at me as she sat down and buckled.

"Woah. I want to play my iPod! Not fair, guys." Blaine whined. I think he knew that he wasn't going to win this argument, especially with all the odds against him. But Blaine is incredibly stubborn, so of course he fought for his two cents.

"Since I'm being forced to be anti-social, I deserve to pick the music." I pointed out.

"You know, I could just not drive." Ava snapped back at me, giving me a kind of glare I hadn't seen from her yet.

"I have good music!" Blaine added.

"Yeah, right. Katy Perry and Pink is not exactly good music." Ava said dryly. Blaine immediately fumed.

"It is too! Katy Perry is magical."

Ava rolled her eyes dramatically. "Says you."

"Says everybody!"

"How about Ava's iPod, I pick the songs." I suggested, reasoning suddenly coming to mind. "I'm bound to like pretty much everything on there, after all."

"What about Blaine?" Blaine asked, turning around one hundred and eighty degrees to look me in the eyes, pleasing.

"On the way back!" I replied, looking completely serious, but inwardly laughing at his mini-temper tantrum.

"So not fair!"

"Do you want to give me shotgun?" I raised my eyebrow at him, and he caved. I win.


"Then it's perfectly fair."

"I hate you." Blaine grumbled.

"You love me." I said pointedly. Blaine smiled at me, confirming it.

"You're right, I do."

"See, that's the good thing about having one of you in the back seat. No PDA."

"Ah, there's a method to your madness." Blaine grumbled, turning back around in his seat to face forward again. Ava smirked, eyes focused on the road ahead of her.


When Ava hit the next stoplight, she reached down and dug what I assumed to be her iPod out of her pocket and tossed it back to me. I reached my hands up and just barely managed to catch it. She then handed back a cord that must have attached to the car's speakers somehow.

"Pick your poison, Kurt, but pick carefully, mind you. I have a good deal of crap on that thing."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head, Av." I said, immediately turning the bright red iPod on and heading to the albums... and then down to the "W" section where I knew I was sure to find just the song...

"Fiyeroooooooo! Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen..."

"Blaine..." Ava said slowly after the first few lines of "No Good Deed" from Wicked started playing through the car's speakers.


"Can I keep your boyfriend? Please?"

"No." Blaine didn't miss a beat. I smirked.

"What? Why not?"

"Because he's mine." Blaine answered, without so much as blinking. "Eyes on the road. If we die, it's your fault."

"Geez. I never knew you were so protective, Blaine. As sickeningly sweet as it should seem to me, I don't know if I like this side of you. I feel threatened."

"Good." Blaine said, smugly.

I have the world's best boyfriend.

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