Chapter Two: Blaine

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I found myself awake before Kurt the next morning. It seemed that I was the only one awake in the whole household-- no sign of either Burt or Carole being awake, and Kurt had told me that Finn was spending the night at Rachel's house. So when I opened my eyes and found myself near alone in the Hummel living room, I wasn't entirely sure what to do. My eyes scanned the room for Kurt, not remembering much of last night's events due to my early morning brain fogginess. But it didn't take long to find him. A staggered breath to the left of me caused me to turn my head, and there he was, his flawless porcelain face pressed up against my left shoulder, fast asleep. He looked so peaceful and serene, I didn't dare wake him.

My thoughts were resonating around the previous night, when Kurt suspected that something was the matter with me. The truth was that something was up. I hated lying to Kurt. Well, not just to Kurt, to everyone, really. Lying tends to make me all tense and angsty, which is definitely not my best trait. I wanted to tell Kurt about what happened during the week that he was gone, but everything inside of me told me not to. I was just too afraid of hurting him. I knew what his reaction would be if he found out, as well as the end result to the chain reaction that would shortly follow me revealing the truth. And I just couldn't have that happening.

I felt Kurt stir while I was deep in my own thought. The bright summer sun peeking in from the blinds had finally caused him to realize that it was already ten o'clock. Of course, he had already had an entire week to practice sleeping in. My brain, on the other hand, was still running on Dalton time, so it would appear he had an excuse.

"Good morning," he mumbled, clearly barely awake, but remembering my presence. I grinned at him, dopily. With Kurt around, it was bound to be a good morning.

"Morning, Kurt. Did you sleep well?" I asked, stroking his sleep tousled hair with affection, marveling at its softness and its thickness, as I did often.

"I slept wonderfully, actually! I had this crazy dream that the New Directions went on tour... And you were there, too. With the Warblers! But then Britt tried to make out with you , and it just got weird after that..." Kurt trailed off, his voice still plagued with early morning grogginess, which admittedly, I found adorable. I laughed with him about his bizarre and totally unrealistic dream.

"Brittany?" I questioned, with a chuckle in my voice.

"Yeah, my unconscious works in weird ways, apparently..." he smiled at me and sat up straight, fixing his hair with his fingers frantically. Moments like these make it clear to me why I love him.

Just then, Mr. Hummel appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Normally, the sight of him completely terrifies me, because whenever I see him, I'm always doing something wrong. Like that one time when I spent the night in Kurt's bed without his permission after partying at Rachel's house and getting hopelessly drunk... Good times. Anyways, this time he was well aware that I had spent the night here. It was definitely weird, and not something that would likely happen again, so, of course I had jumped at the opportunity to come.

"Mornin' boys," he said, shifting his weight uncomfortably. Everything about Burt Hummel astounded me. His relationship with Kurt, his overall morals, and of course, the way he handled really awkward situations... I said it once and I'll say it again-- I really wish I had a relationship like the one Kurt and his dad had with my own father. It would have made my life infinitely easier and happier.

"Morning, Dad," Kurt said with his adorable wide smile.

"Right... so Kurt, if you two want to go make breakfast.... Finn and Rachel will be over in half an hour."

Immediately, Kurt's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. I inwardly groaned, for I knew exactly where this was headed.

"Come on, Blaine! I can teach you how to make a bacon and spinach breakfast stromboli! I've been doing research on some new breakfast recipes a lot lately, and I can't wait to try them out! This is going to be perfect!" he rambled, already standing up.

"Oh... uh, Kurt... I kind of just meant something simple..." Burt said, thankfully putting an end to a potential kitchen disaster (I'm not the best cook in the world. Let's just leave it at that.). "How about... I don't know... waffles?"     

"Waffles?!" Kurt cried, his cheeks already turning bright red.

This argument lasted far longer than it theoretically should have. I stood by as patiently as I could as Kurt bickered with his father about different breakfast options. We settled on crepes eventually. It was a simple enough solution, satisfying both Burt and Kurt, at least to an extent. It was something fancy enough that Kurt would enjoy cooking and plain enough that Burt could pronounce the name. Honestly, I didn't care either way. No matter what it was- crepes, stromboli, hell, even microwavable sausages would be burnt to a crisp before I was done with them.

The creation of the crepes was an interesting event. Well, I mean, Kurt thought it was. He was explaining to me the correct way to mix the batter so that clumps didn't form and how to pour just the right amount onto the pan so the crepes didn't turn out too thick or too thin. I nodded every once and awhile and uttered a couple of mmhmm's and okay's, but really my mind was somewhere else, lost in a world composed solely of Kurt. I mindlessly watched him struggle to open the jar of flour, duck down to become eye-level with the measuring cup filled with water, or accidentally spill salt all over the counter, and I couldn't help but marvel about how indescribably perfect he was.  I just love him.

"Blaine!" and just like that, my daydream ended abruptly. "Blaine, for goodness sakes! I called your name three or four times!"

"Oh, really? Sorry, I'm just kind of tired," I mumbled for an excuse. Of course, this would be better than telling Kurt what I was really thinking about. Although I was already imagining his reaction if I did. His cheeks turning cherry red, blushing like crazy...

"Well, I just wanted to know if you wanted to try flipping these next ones... They're just about ready."

He held his shiny silver spatula out at me. I really, really did not want to flip Kurt's crepes. I'd hate to waste the batter with my clumsiness. But still, a dominant, more idiotic side of my brain desperately wanted to impress Kurt. So, me being the genius that I am, smiled at him warmly and took the spatula.

I had my eyes set on one towards the right of the pan. It looked easy enough to turn over. All it would take would be a swift flipping motion and I would be all set. You know, if I actually knew how to complete a swift flipping motion. I scooped the spatula underneath the crepe easy enough. Next, I lifted it up really quickly and found it flying across the kitchen before I had a chance to control it, and it landed perfectly on the center of Kurt's fridge door.

For a second, I was terrified of Kurt's reaction. I imagined him getting angry and yelling at me for making a mess. Surprisingly enough, this wasn't the case. Kurt blinked a couple of times, looked at the crepe, then at me, then back at the crepe, and then back at me before bursting out laughing. I love his laugh. He reached his hand out to give me a high five, which I returned, smiling. It was kind of funny, after all.

"That. Was. Awesome." Kurt chuckled. "Do it again, Blaine!"

"The other crepes are burning, Kurt! And I think that's Finn and Rachel at the door now." Plus, I didn't want to have to clean up more crepe goop.

"Fine," Kurt said, pecking me on the cheek and grabbing the spatula from my hand.  He tapped it on my nose, some batter residue sticking. I smiled at him goofily. "Kitchen ninja."

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