Chapter Seven: Kurt

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Chapter 7: Kurt

I woke up slowly, not remembering anything of what had just happened. I blinked, my surroundings coming slowly into view. There was a fence in front of me, about five feet tall, behind it a very green forest. On either side of me, there were pavement paths, leading to a turn in the path that brought you on the other side of the building. In other words, I was behind a building, where no one could see me.

I saw the blood before I felt the pain. I looked down and all I saw was my favorite outfit, completely soaked. Then in the seconds to follow, I remembered it all. And the pain came rushing back. I felt like I had all of those punches dealt again, knocking me down in a burst of agonizing pain.

"Blaine!" I cried. Where was Blaine? I turned my head and I saw him. He was unconscious, lying there about five feet from where I lay. Oh, God he looked worse than I did. "Blaine? Blaine?" I tried to call him to wake him up. But he didn't respond.

I didn't know what to do. It hurt too much to move, and there wasn't going to be anybody coming by here until closing, which probably wouldn't be for awhile. I felt my jean pockets for my cell phone, but quickly realized that I had left it in Blaine's car. I needed to call Ava. I didn't have her number, but I knew Blaine did. So, I tried to move closer to him. Emphasis on "tried". The pain was agonizing. I had never been beaten up before. I know Blaine had, in eighth grade. By the same guy... He'd probably know how to deal with this. I used all my strength to reach Blaine. I knew if I got in contact with Ava, I wouldn't have to worry about the pain anymore. But for now, it was all I had to worry about. I scooted closer to Blaine and reached out my hands towards his pockets, but found myself about a foot short. I tried again, with the very last of my energy. My finger just barely clung to the pocket of Blaine's jeans. I pulled him forward ever so carefully, not daring to hurt him any more than he was already hurting. I reached in and clutched Blaine's cell phone tightly, and pulled it out. As quickly as I could, I opened up his contacts. Thank God Ava's name started with an "A". It was right near the top of the list, and I pressed her phone number urgently, and pressed the phone to my ear. It barely even rang once.

"'Ello, Blainers! Ava here, reporting for duty. What can I do you for, this fine, summer evening? Are you guys coming to visit me at the gift shop? We close in half an hour, do you guys want to leave already? We can totally go get-" I interrupted her.

"Ava, it's Kurt. We need help," my voice was barely audible. It was cracked, faded, and terror stricken.

"Oh my God. Kurt, where are you? What happened? Are you guys okay?"

"We're behind the polar bear exhibit. Come quickly, bring help. Blaine is still unconscious. I'm terrified. Ava, hurry."

"Oh my God, I'll be right there!" she hung up the phone. 

The wait wasn't that long, all things considering. But the pain made it seem so much longer. I clutched onto Blaine's cold, lifeless hands for comfort, but the fact that he couldn't squeeze back made it harder. But before long, a frantic Ava and several medics arrived on the scene.

"Oh my God, what happened?!" Ava cried. The medics surrounded us, immediately put to work. I tried to explain the situation to Ava while both Blaine and I were lifted on to stretchers.

"There were these three guys. They knew Blaine... from his old school. They... they beat us up. They did it before, to Blaine. When he was in eighth grade and they did it again," I paused, my breath stopped short. "I'm scared."

"Oh, God, Kurt... I should have skipped my shift and chilled with you guys. I really considered it. Oh my Oz, this is all my fault! I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry, Kurt. I'm so sorry!"

"Stop it, Ava! It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. It's not even their fault... There's nothing we can do about it." I paused, my body giving me yet another surge of pain. "It hurts..."

The medics lifted Blaine and I off of the pavement. Ava followed them, in a confused and frantic and terrified panic. Blaine still hasn't shown any sign of life, but I know he was breathing. I felt his heartbeat while I was waiting for Ava to show up. All I could do was hope that he would be okay.

We were brought to an ambulance that had just arrived. I panicked a little bit when I saw it, because the last  time I was in an ambulance, I was eight, and my mom...

I was immediately bandaged, poked, and prodded in every which way. It was uncomfortable, but I knew it was necessary. A tall, male medic sat in a seat beside me, probably to question me.

"What is your name, son?"

"Kurt. Kurt Hummel," the medic jotted it down on a piece of paper clipped to a clipboard.

"And the other boy?"

"Blaine Anderson," just saying his name hurt. "Is he going to be okay?"

"You should both be fine. Thankfully, your injuries were very minor compared to what could have happened. However, you're friend here was not so lucky. He got hit pretty bad. Your injuries are mainly confined to the face and besides your nose, no bones were broke. It would seem that he broke a couple of ribs... but the fractures look almost a week old, so he must have broken them awhile ago. And then they must have gone untreated in the week to follow. It looks like it's gotten pretty serious, and that's why he isn't awake now. But the doctors know what they are doing, so the both of you should be fine in no time. Don't worry, kid. We got to you just in time."

My mind took awhile to register this new information. The good news processed in my mind first. We'll be okay. Fantastic. My injuries were very minor. Awesome. But then... Blaine's injuries were worse than mine... and he has week old fractures in his ribs... wait... what?

Is this part of the reason Blaine has been acting weirdly? What exactly happened the week I was away? Is he okay? The questions flooded my mind. I just wanted Blaine to be awake, so I could ask him about it. So I could talk to him. So he could hold me and tell me that it's going to be alright, even though I knew it wasn't, and wouldn't be for a long time. I wanted the secrets to end, and I wanted to be happy, for once in my life.

Oh, God, Blaine. What are you hiding?

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