01 ; cloudy day hypothesis

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Tate liked cloudy days.

They gave the sun a break, and it was the perfect reason, why he loved Forks so much. With it's immense cloudy days that lasted for weeks, paired with it's constant down pour of rain, Tate wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life in the small town.

It was in this small town that Tate worked with his cousin, Mike Newton, at the shop Mike's father owned. It was also here, in this large outdoor shop, that Tate tried to bond with his blonde cousin over the sound of country music playing from the speakers.

"You should try out for football," Mike droned on, stuffing a box of leather gloves onto a shelf.

Tate, who was standing a few feet away in the same aisle rolled his eyes. "We've been over this Mike. Someone like me just isn't built for sports."

"You know," Mike said, casting a glance in Tate's direction. "I just don't believe that."

Removing an empty box from the shelf, Tate murmured. "Obviously not,"

"I heard that," Mike commented, and Tate only shrugged in response.

Him and Mike had always been at odds when it came to extra curricular activities to do after school. For as long as Tate could remember, Mike has bugged him about joining their high school's small-and-never-wins-any-games football team.

Also, when Tate said "football team" he meant the words loosely. In reality it was just a handful of male students who only joined the team because they just wanted an excuse to get close to the girls on the cheerleading team.

Tate, who would have no problem getting into college, didn't need the help of being a jock to get extra college application points - unlike Mike. Plus, though Mike didn't know about Tate's deteriorating health, it was another reason why Tate adamantly refused to play such a full contact sport.

"It's fun. You should see what Lance can do-"

"Mike," Tate cut his cousin off with a brief annoyed look. "Drop it, please."

Mike frowned. "Fine,"

He then took the empty box Tate handed him and placed it on the cart behind himself. It was a cart that you took to the back of the warehouse in order to place it in the recycling bin.

After a few moments, Mike added, "I'm just telling you, it's a good opportunity."

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Tate spoke, weaving around his cousin and towards the desk that was nestled in between the racks of thermal clothing.

Behind this small desk, with a computer and a cash register sitting on it for customers who were too lazy to go to the main cash register by the entrance of the store, was his and Mike's back-packs.

Grabbing his plain blue one, Mike was quick behind him, leaning over and taking his own. Mike ripped off his name-tag, which had his name written on it in plain, black block letter stickers and placed it in the drawer below the register. As Mike was doing this, Tate locked the register and turned to head towards the exit of the warehouse.

"Have a good day at school!" His Aunt Mindy called after him. Her hair, a bright blonde like Mike's, gently flapped against her freckled cheeks.

Tate gave her a brief wave and shoved his left hand into his pocket to grab his car keys. Upon entering the small parking lot that was for employee's only, Tate grinned upon seeing his Nissan sitting perfectly still and waiting for him. Though it was an ugly tan color, it was simple and practical, just like him.

He never was one for extravagant things.

His Nissan made a chirping sound as soon as he unlocked it. Tate opened the drivers side and threw his backpack in the passenger seat before sticking his keys in the ignition. He saw Mike heading towards his own car, which was a few cars away from Tate's and he pulled out of the parking lot.

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